Children and autism: A new cause?


For every woman who escapes abuse, we lower the risk of a child being born with inflammation in their bloodstream; a proven marker or cause of autism in kids. What are your thoughts on this?


Studies have shown mothers who suffered physical abuse tended to have autistic kids 

The issue of autism in kids is one that has become more and more prevalent over the last twenty years. Is there a tangible reason for this increase? Is there anything we can do to reduce the incidents of autism in kids? Some sources say ‘yes’.

RELATED: Handling an autistic kid

Harvard studies show

The distinguished Harvard School of Medicine did a study of approximately 50,000 women with children to see if there were any character traits or life-similarities between those who had autistic children. The results were indisputable  The results showed that the women in the test group who had been abused (physically or emotionally) were 60% more likely to have a kid with autism than those who were not abused or mistreated. That’s right–abuse has been proved to cause autism in children. The reason? Victims of abuse have inflammation in the blood which is also present in kids with autism.

RELATED: How do I test for autism?

How to use this information

The best way to use this information is obviously the fight against child and spousal abuse. For every woman who escapes abuse, we lower the risk of a child being born with inflammation in their bloodstream; a proven marker or cause of autism in kids. Another cause of autism in kids may be due to the fact that victims of abuse are much more sensitive to stress and pass this on to their children. While the link between stressed mothers due to abuse and autism in kids isn’t indisputable, it is definitely worthy of continued study.

What do you think

What do you think? Do you think external physical injuries and emotional abuse can actually affect the genetic make-up of an unborn child? Or do you think autism in kids is the result of over-stimulation as a baby or the result of a genetic hiccup?

RELATED: How can I help my autistic child?

Whatever your thoughts and opinions on autism being linked to the mother being a victim of abuse, it is safe to say that no one would be of the opinion that trying to eradicate abuse is ever a bad thing.


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