Pregnancy Guide: What You Need to Know at 15 Weeks Pregnant

Navigating the 15th week of pregnancy? Discover essential insights in our pregnancy guide. From the subtle baby bump to potential fluttering sensations, learn what to expect during this exciting stage of your journey.
You’re now on week 15 of your pregnancy, mum-to-be. How are you feeling? Has nausea passed? Hang in there. Soon you’ll feel re-energised and lively once more! Meanwhile, let’s look at how your little one is growing this week.
Table of Contents
15 Weeks Pregnant in Months
At 15 weeks pregnant, you are entering the fourth month of pregnancy. While pregnancy months can vary slightly in terms of the number of weeks, the general guideline is that each month consists of around 4 weeks. Thus, at 15 weeks, you are about 3 and 3/4 months into your pregnancy journey. This period marks an exciting time as your baby continues to develop and grow, and you begin to notice more distinct changes in your body.
Pregnancy Week 15: Baby
As we enter the second trimester, a lot is happening with your baby. This week marks the start of major organ development; specifically, your baby’s heart has three chambers and is one-fourth of an inch long.
Baby’s Growth
At the start of week 15 of pregnancy, the apple of your eye is about the size of an apple and a sugar apple — how sweet is that? They are 10.9cm long and weigh around 50g. Towards the end of this week, your developing baby would have grown around another centimetre and added another gram or so to their weight.
At week 15, your baby is starting to look more like a human. Your baby’s body is growing more rapidly than their head at this point, which means that they will start to bulk up in the next few weeks.
After this point, it will be easier to tell whether or not you’re having a boy or a girl.
Your baby’s head looks like an upside-down pear, with the eyes forming on the sides of the head and the mouth on the bottom of the face.
Your baby’s lungs are still developing, but they can breathe through their skin because they have temporary gills that allow them to breathe in the amniotic fluid until they’re ready for air!
The baby’s skeleton is rapidly developing. The bones in the spine are starting to harden, but the skull and ribs are still soft.

Your baby is the size of a small sugar apple! File photo.
Baby’s Development
In this week-by-week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- Your baby has finally started to shed their lanugo (or downy fur) to acquire baby fat, also known as “brown fat”.
- Eyebrows and hair started to appear this week.
- They can hiccup, which, believe it or not, happens before they can even breathe. At this stage, your little one doesn’t make any sound because their windpipe is filled with amniotic fluid, not air. In a few weeks more, and you’ll be able to feel your unborn baby’s hiccups.
- Their body is a bit more proportionate now.
- By the end of this week, they will be able to clench their fist, practising their grip.
Baby’s Hearing
By week 15, your baby’s ears are now fully formed. The cartilage framework of the external ear canal and the tiny bones inside are complete. Behind the eardrum is an air-filled cavity called the middle ear, lined with a specialised thin membrane that helps to detect sound vibrations.
In addition to having its ears in place, your baby’s brain is now making connections between the different parts of itself. This will help it learn how to use its senses — touch, sight, smell, hearing and taste — as it grows.
Baby’s Teeth
Your baby’s first teeth continue to develop during week 15, too. They’ll be bell-shaped at first but will grow into their final form as the rest of your baby’s body continues to develop. Enamel and dentine grow first, followed by roots connecting each tooth to the jawbone.
Baby’s Movement
Can you feel the baby at 15 weeks? How active are babies at 15 weeks?
Week 15 is a big one for your baby. At this point, their movements are becoming more frequent. This is a sign that they’re beginning to feel more comfortable in their body and moving around more.
Your baby will continue to grow rapidly this week as they gain fat tissue and muscles. Some babies may also start moving more frequently or kicking more vigorously. This is because their nervous system is developing, which allows them to respond to stimuli and make movements on their own.
At 15 weeks pregnant, some women start to feel slight fluttering sensations in their abdomen, often referred to as “quickening.” These sensations can resemble gentle taps or bubbles and are often described as a subtle reminder of the developing baby’s presence.
However, not all mothers will feel these sensations at this stage, as factors like body shape and position of the baby can influence the perception of movement.
As for fetal activity, at 15 weeks, babies are becoming more active within the womb. They are developing their muscles and reflexes, which allows them to make spontaneous movements, although these might not yet be strong enough for you to feel regularly.
Over the upcoming weeks, these movements will become more pronounced and noticeable as the baby grows and gains strength.
15 Weeks Pregnant: Your Body
This week you may have noticed that your belly has grown even bigger. That’s because a lot is going on there—your baby is growing faster than ever! Your uterus will expand until it reaches full term (around 40 weeks). While your uterus expands, it puts pressure on other organs in your abdomen, which can cause discomfort like back pain or heartburn.
You might feel more tired than usual because your blood supply has been diverted from your legs and arms to your uterus. It’s also common for pregnant women to suffer from heartburn this week as their stomachs grow larger.
You may also start noticing other body changes at 15 weeks pregnant. You may feel lightheaded or dizzy sometimes, particularly if you stand up too quickly. This is because of the increased blood flow throughout your body, partly due to your growing uterus pressing on your blood vessels.
15 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
- You may find that you are more prone to colds, coughs, or even a touch of flu. And it is not because you aren’t caring for yourself. At this stage of your pregnancy, your body’s lowered immunity ensures that it does not reject the fetus.
- The extra amount of blood circulating in your body swells the capillaries in your nose and gums. This could lead to nosebleeds and bleeding of the gums.
- You may have gained between 2.2 to 4.5 kg. Do keep an eye on the weighing scale.
- The morning sickness may have passed, but you can already feel acid reflux or heartburn after a heavy meal. While it’s common and uncomfortable, this usually does not risk your baby’s health, and you can try different home remedies to relieve it.
Maternal Weight Gain
A healthy pregnancy is one in which the mother maintains a healthy weight. You may lose some weight in the first trimester due to nausea and other symptoms. However, after that, you should begin to gain weight steadily.
By week 15 of pregnancy, the average woman has gained five pounds. This is only a rough estimate because every woman is different. The healthiest way to gain weight during pregnancy is to eat healthy foods and maintain a regular exercise schedule.
15 Weeks Pregnant Bump
At 15 weeks pregnant, you may notice your abdomen growing just a bit. While it might not be very pronounced for everyone, you could see a slight roundness in your lower abdomen. Your uterus is growing to accommodate your developing baby, and this can lead to some visible changes in your belly’s appearance.
Factors like your body type and whether this is your first pregnancy can influence the timing and size of your bump. It’s important to remember that everyone’s pregnancy journey is unique, so the size of the bump can vary. As you progress through your pregnancy, the bump will continue to grow and become more noticeable.
In the 15th week of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes. You might feel a bit more tired than usual and have to get used to carrying around a few extra pounds.
One of the most important things you can do during this time is to take care of yourself by eating well and staying hydrated.
Foods high in protein, iron and calcium are especially important for pregnant women because they help build strength and promote healthy bone development in the fetus. These nutrients also play a role in preventing postpartum depression and promoting sleep, which is crucial for both mum and baby.
The following guidelines will help you achieve good nutrition during pregnancy:
- Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of protein each day. Protein helps your body make new cells and tissues for your growing baby. Good sources of protein include eggs, meat and fish. If you are vegetarian or vegan, you can get protein from beans, peas and soy products like tofu.
- Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. These foods provide vitamins and minerals that your baby needs to grow properly. Try to eat different kinds of fruits and vegetables daily; this will help ensure you get all the nutrients your baby needs.
- Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily to keep yourself hydrated throughout pregnancy (and beyond). Water helps flush toxins out of your system so they don’t build up in your body — which could lead to illness later on. Milk is another great water source for pregnant women — be sure not to drink too much!

Image source: iStock
Pregnancy Care: Your Checklist at 15 Weeks Pregnant
- Since your immunity is lowered, you must not falter with your hygiene. Always wash your hands, stay away from crowds if you can, and don’t miss your recommended daily Vitamin C and zinc intake to boost your immunity.
- The most important takeaway in this week-by-week pregnancy guide is: feel free to say “no” to unwell visitors. It will help if you protect yourself from harmful bacteria and viruses.
- Your libido may be on the increase. You and your partner should look at sexual positions that are safe and comfortable.
- Now is the time for you to book yourself in for a multiple-marker screening or a triple test. Typically conducted between 15 to 18 weeks of pregnancy, these simple blood tests can determine whether your baby is at an increased risk for Down Syndrome and trisomy 18 (both chromosomal abnormalities), as well as neural tube defects such as spina bifida.
Your next week: 16 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 14 weeks pregnant
Updates from Pheona Ilagan
Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.
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