Should You Be Worried About Placenta Previa? Everything You Need To Know

Approximately 1 in 200 Singaporean women experience the potentially life-threatening condition during pregnancy called placenta previa. Arm yourself with knowledge to keep you and your unborn child safe.
The placenta is the organ that acts as a life support system to the developing foetus by passing oxygen and nutrition from mother to baby. It also eliminates waste from the baby’s blood. The placenta, where the baby’s umbilical cord develops from, attaches itself to the uterine wall. So what is placenta previa and should you be worried about it?
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What is Placenta Previa?
Placenta previa, also known as low-lying placenta, is a condition in which the placenta lies low in the uterus. This results in a partial or complete block of the cervical opening (the part of the lower uterus that leads to the vagina).
If the placenta is low and blocks the cervical opening at the point of delivery, you would need to deliver via c-section.
Read on to know about the signs and symptoms of placenta previa, treatment, and prevention.
Types of Placenta Previa
There are three types of placenta previa.
- Complete previa where the cervical opening is completely covered.
- Partial previa where the placenta covers a portion of the cervix.
- Marginal previa where the placenta extends to the edge of the cervix.
When can placenta previa be detected?
While a low-lying placenta can be diagnosed as early as 12 weeks into the pregnancy, you really don’t have to work yourself up into a frenzy at this point. The condition is usually diagnosed as placenta previa only after 20 weeks.
The good news is that in almost 90 per cent of cases, the placenta moves back up before the baby is due. As the uterus grows and stretches, the placenta moves higher in the uterus and away from the cervix.
In the event that it does not, the potential risk of severe maternal bleeding can occur. In some rare, unfortunate cases, a hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus) may be required to control the bleeding.

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Placenta Previa Symptoms
There are a couple of signs and symptoms of placenta previa that you should observe.
- Bleeding. Spotting in pregnancy or bleeding is a warning sign not to be ignored. Once women enter their second trimester, it is extremely crucial to look out for vaginal bleeding as a sign of placenta previa. The bleeding is typically bright red and painless. It can range from light to heavy and is likely to occur when you cough, strain yourself, or have sexual intercourse. While the bleeding does usually stop on its own, it is likely to return after several days or even weeks.
- Cramping. Though pain is uncommon, some women have experienced light to moderate cramping.
Watch for these placenta previa symptoms, so you can consult your OB-gyne immediately.
What Causes Placenta Previa?
What is the main cause of placenta previa?
The exact cause of placenta previa remains a mystery, but the following seem to be the largest contributing factors to the condition.
- Uterine Factors. Scarring of the lining tissues of the uterus. This is usually caused by previous surgery on the uterus for reasons such as removing fibroids (benign tumours of muscular and fibrous tissues that develop in the wall of the womb).
- Placental Factors. The position of the placenta is in direct relation to where the embryo plants itself in the uterus. Therefore, an embryo that plants itself low causes the placenta to also position itself low. Other placental factors include abnormally large placenta, such as in the case of multiple pregnancies.
In her book The Mother of All Pregnancy Books, Ann Douglas states that placenta previa occurs in “2.8 of every 1000 single pregnancies” and “3.9 out of every 1000 twin pregnancies.”
Is It Considered High Risk
Placenta previa is considered a high-risk pregnancy condition. It occurs when the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix, which can lead to painless vaginal bleeding. In some cases, the bleeding may be severe and life-threatening to either the mother or the baby.
The condition must be promptly diagnosed to rule out more serious conditions such as placental abruption. If left untreated, placenta previa can necessitate a Cesarean section to protect both the mother and the baby.
Therefore, it is crucial for pregnant women to seek immediate medical attention if they experience any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, especially after reaching viability (more than 24 completed weeks of pregnancy).
Risk Factors for Placenta Previa
While it is still unknown exactly what causes placenta previa, women are most susceptible to it when they:
- Have a history of abortion or multiple dilation and curettage (a procedure to remove tissue from inside the uterus)
- Are over the age of 35
- Have had a c-section (the risk increases with each subsequent c-section)
- Have endometrial scarring (bands of fibrous scar tissue that form within the uterus) from a previous episode of placenta previa
- Do not have sufficient recovery and healing time between pregnancies
- Smoke
- Have had several children
- Take cocaine
Complications Associated With Placenta Previa
The complications that can possibly arise out of complete placenta previa are not to be taken lightly.
Singapore specialist Dr Iswaran Subrahmanyam, Sai Association Clinic Pte Ltd, cautions that placenta previa is “a very serious complication that can possibly cause maternal death”.
Similarly, America’s leading midwife Ina May Gaskin warns that complete placenta previa is “one of the most dangerous complications that can occur in any pregnancy”.
Complications women may experience are:
- Preterm labour. If heavy or uncontrollable bleeding occurs before the due date, the baby will have to be delivered immediately by c-section. Preterm birth may put the baby at risk of conditions like low birth weight and respiratory issues.
- Hysterectomy. Placenta previa can cause life-threatening haemorrhaging during and after delivery. This would call for a blood transfusion. In up to 10% of complete placenta previa cases, the doctor may require a hysterectomy to control bleeding.
When to Call the Doctor
When spotting in pregnancy turns to bleeding, it would be the key indicator to call your doctor. Even if the bleeding seems little or harmless, it is always best to err on the side of caution and get immediate medical attention.
From his 18 years of experience in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Dr Iswaran says that he “cannot emphasise enough the importance of being alert, to ensure that your gynae is contactable at all times” and “never to delay seeking immediate medical help” in the case of bleeding.
Timing is everything. Dr Iswaran spoke of the devastating experience of losing one of his patients, an ambulance driver’s wife, who succumbed to excessive bleeding caused by the condition and lost her life en route to the hospital.
Another of his patients, a nurse, managed to pull through after receiving a hysterectomy. She also received 19 pints of blood.
Placenta Previa Tests
Whether or not there is vaginal bleeding, your gynaecologist will do an ultrasound during your 16 or 20-week check-up. This is to determine the position of your placenta. In order to ensure that you have an accurate diagnosis, it is likely that you will have an abdominal and transvaginal scan.
During the scan, your doctor will take extra precautions to ensure that the wand-like device she inserts into your vagina will not disrupt your placenta. Your doctor will avoid performing routine vaginal examinations on you if there is suspicion of placenta previa. This is to reduce any possible risk of heavy bleeding.

You need to have an ultrasound to diagnose and monitor placenta previa.
If you are diagnosed with or suspected to have placenta previa, your gynaecologist will monitor you very closely for the rest of your pregnancy.
Your doctor will require additional ultrasounds to check on the position of your placenta, but you need to avoid pelvic and vaginal examinations as much as possible. You’ll also need to closely monitor your baby’s heartbeat.
As an expecting mother, receiving a diagnosis of placenta previa can come across as a rude shock and cause great anxiety. It is, however, crucial to remain calm and optimistic.
Madam Shaheenah Suraiyah, a Singaporean mother of five children shared her surprise when she received a diagnosis of placenta previa while expecting her fifth child. Given her previous smooth deliveries, she never thought anything could possibly go wrong.
“I was worried and was losing sleep over it. Then I told myself that I had to stay positive and not make the situation worse, or the rest of my pregnancy would be a nightmare,” she said.
Her doctor monitored her frequently for the rest of her pregnancy. Shaheenah was part of the fortunate 90 per cent of women whose placenta shifted back up. She eventually had a natural delivery and a healthy baby.
Placenta Previa Treatment and Drugs

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Unlike an infection or illness, placenta previa is not something that you can typically cure by administering medication. You might be given medication to prevent preterm labour and, ideally, to help your pregnancy to progress to the 36th week.
If it is likely that you have to deliver earlier than your due date, you may need to take steroid injections to strengthen your baby’s lungs. You will also need to closely follow these preventive measures:
- Avoid any kind of strenuous exercise or activities
- Avoid sexual intercourse
- No lifting of heavy objects
- Bed rest
- Hospital bed rest (for heavy bleeding)
- Blood transfusion (if too much blood has been lost)
- Avoid pelvic examinations
- No douching (washing or cleaning out the vagina with water or other mixtures)
If the bleeding persists or your baby starts showing any signs of distress, the only solution would be an emergency c-section. This is crucial for the safety of you and your child.
Don’t let the thought of a c-section scare you, though. In fact, according to, three out of 10 Singaporean babies are delivered by c-section.
If the bleeding continues after your baby is born, and if your life is at risk, you may require a hysterectomy.

If you have placenta previa, the most important thing to do is to take it easy to avoid complications.
Can a Baby Survive Placenta Previa
Sure thing! Placenta previa can be a worrisome condition, but don’t panic, a baby can survive with the right medical care.
When detected, doctors closely monitor the situation and may advise bed rest or supervised rest in the hospital to prevent complications like bleeding. In severe cases, immediate cesarean delivery might be necessary to ensure the baby’s safety.
The good news is that with modern healthcare, the outcomes are favourable, and most cases can be managed effectively. So, while placenta previa can be a challenge, rest assured that medical professionals are well-prepared to handle it and prioritise the safety of both the mother and the baby.
Placenta Previa Treatment: Lifestyle and Home Remedies
The most important thing to do if diagnosed with placenta previa is to take it easy. Slowing down is generally uncharacteristic of driven and ambitious Singaporean women, working or not.
If being idle is not your cup of tea, you may want to think again. When your precious bundle of joy arrives, idle time will be a thing of the past.
For stay-at-home mums, especially those with toddlers or older children, you might want to look into arrangements for an extra hand. You could consider temporarily staying with your parents or hiring a helper to aid with your placenta previa treatment.
It is crucial that you do not exert or strain yourself in any way. And that includes not carrying your older children.
So really, slow down, grab a cup of tea, and rest in bed with a good book for company. Reading will help to ease you off some of the anxiety and stress that you might be going through.
How To Prevent Placenta Previa
While there is no fail-proof method of preventing placenta previa, knowing and understanding the risks may help to lower the odds of it occurring.
For example, smoking and the consumption of cocaine greatly increase the chances of placenta previa. If you have any such addiction during, or when planning a pregnancy, seek help immediately.
In case you are trying to quit smoking, you can dial the Singapore quit line at 1800 438 2000. For additional information on quitting smoking do visit the Health Promotion Board website.
You may also wish to consider factors such as your age and how many children you’ve already had when thinking of how to prevent placenta previa.
Especially if you have undergone any kind of surgery on your uterus, it would be a good idea to speak to a gynaecologist before trying to conceive. Forward planning is ideal in any situation.
While it is definitely not a condition that you would take lightly, do not let it take too much of a toll on you. Most importantly, take the necessary precautions, take the best possible care of yourself, go for frequent check-ups and try your best to stay positive!
Updates by Romy Pena Cruz
Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.
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