The What's-What about Ethonox (Laughing Gas)


Ethonox, or more commonly known as laughing gas is a gas that is used to give temporary pain relief during labour. It is a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen.


A tidbit information on how Ethonox laughing gas is used during pregnancy

Ethonox, or more commonly known as laughing gas is a gas that is used to give temporary pain relief during labour. It is a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen.

Ethonox is inhaled either through a mouth piece or a mask while the mother is having contractions. Ethonox eases the labour pains but does not take the pain away completely. You can have gas/air anytime you want in labour. All you need to do is bring the mask up to your face or put the mouthpiece between your lips and teeth. Keep it there as you breathe deeply and evenly. Continue to breathe deeply until you start to feel a little light headed and then take the mouthpiece/mask away from your face. It takes at least 30 seconds of breathing for ethonox to give you any benefit. Start breathing it in the second you feel a contraction start. If you wait till you are deep n contraction, the gas will take effect in between contractions.

Ethonox has no side effects on the baby. It is also compatible with other drugs there is no residual effect to hamper other methods of pain relief.


Hope you find our article on Ethonox (laughing gas) informative to you.

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