There Are 7 Different Types Of Dads. Which One Are You?


Here are seven different types of dads that you can find at home. Are you one of these dads or is your dad one of them, read on to find out.

Call it the perils of the patriarchal system but dads never really had the chance to open and be close to their children in many societies. 

Between being the breadwinners of the family and fulfilling all responsibilities, they had little opportunity to actually bond with their kids. 

Thankfully, these archaic traditions are being done away with over the past couple of generations. Fathers have finally become more involved with parenting, even as they continue to shoulder all the other responsibilities. 

This is great because dads can have a completely different style of parenting than mums and that just brings new perspective, joy and fun to the child’s life. It can be both good and bad but the important thing to remember is that every dad loves their child no matter what. 

And every dad has a different approach to parenting, and well, being a dad. There are different types of fathers you’ll meet in different households. From the authoritative patriarch to the daddy-cool, we are sure you’ll identify with some. 

So we have compiled a list of the seven different types of dads out there, which we think you will certainly find in one house or the other. 

And if you are becoming a father or a new dad yourself, you will identify with at least one of these different types of dads.

7 Different Types Of Dads

different types of dads

Image Source: Pexels

1. The Interactive Dad

Here’s a dad who can talk to you about everything and anything under the sun. They understand why it’s important to communicate. And more often, they will take the lead to address a problem or conflict.

As fathers, interactive dads take the time to listen to your problems and take decisions only after factoring in your opinion. 

This helps the child open up to parents at home, especially once they understand that it’s a safe space to do. And this isn’t just limited to relationships or the “bird and the bees” conversation but even the little details about life. 

Wouldn’t you want a friend to speak your heart out to and then, get some advice if need be. That’s the dad right here!

2. The Nurturing Dad

These are fathers who know their responsibilities well and that includes passing on the right moral and ethical values to their children. 

They make sure the kids and family at large have been looked after and will fulfil all your day-to-day needs. 

These dads are also actively involved in raising their kids and are a part of their daily upbringing. From making breakfast to packing lunch, they’ll certainly do everything needed and more. 

different types of dads

Image Source: iStock

3. The Playful Dad

Some men never grow up on the inside and this dad is one of them. They’ll relive their childhood with their kids and aren’t afraid to show it to the world.

They will motivate their kids to try and experience new things and will be the most supportive when their little one wants to take a giant leap. 

You can also rely on this dad to convince mum when you want to go for a concert, road trip or simply hang out with friends. 

different types of dads

Image Source: Pexels

4. The Workaholic Dad

When it comes to the different types of dads, these pops know running a home is no child’s play.

They are the globetrotters who jump from one place to another, or are constantly occupied with work or other commitments. 

You will find them answering emails even on a holiday or taking work calls on the side at a family dinner. 

While providing for the family is important, these dads often forget that connecting with their children is an equally important part of the parenting process. On the flip side, they will be able to help you in the best way possible when it comes to career advice. 

different types of dads

Image Source: iStock

5. The Sentimental Dad

It’s not just mothers who get to be the sentimental parent. Some dads can be quite emotional when it comes to their children.

They are the most enthusiastic when the child achieves something or might show their discomfort when you get hurt. 

They will be your biggest cheerleaders and would want to capture every little moment. Largely, sentimental dads are adorable and at times too annoying. So even if they do embarrass you in front of your friends, it’s only out of love. 

6. The Party-on Dad

This is the dad who is still living their teens mentally. They encourage kids to have a social life and will act your age with your friends. 

Even seen them using “dude, bro, fam and yea,” with your mates? Yes, that!

Barring the occasional embarrassment, this father is pretty chill with house parties and will even join you from time to time.

different types of dads

Image Source: Pexels

7. The Joker Dad

When we talk about different types of dads, we can’t miss out on the pioneer of dad jokes. This father knows how to make you laugh. He has a funny bone that ensures there are jokes and laughs simply flying around.

Trust your dad to light up a room with his presence. And we are certain he will have the loudest laugh in the room. 

Think of him as Phil Dunphy from the Modern Family and you exactly know the kind of dad we are talking about. 


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There Are 7 Different Types Of Dads. Which One Are You?

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