Prepare this delicious and quick Nasi Goreng recipe!


theAsianparent had Nasi Goreng for breakfast this morning. What did you have? After having such a tasty dish, we simply have to spread the love to your taste-buds. We give you a simple yet satisfying Nasi Goreng Recipe to try out at home!

You can now try your hand at a delicious and quick Nasi Goreng recipe at home. To make things easier, we have listed the ingredients as well as the easy method to prepare this fabulous dish.   

So what’s the wait? Let’s begin. 

A quick Nasi Goreng recipe you can try at home


  • Dried anchovies, 1 cup
  • Rice (Recommend cooked and refrigerated for at least 1 night), 2 cups
  • Prawns with or without shell, 12
  • Eggs, 2
  • Light soy sauce, 2 tbsp
  • Dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp
  • Belacan (Shrimp Paste which can be replaced by 2 tbsp of fish sauce), 1 tbsp
  • Chilli paste (Recipe below), 1 tbsp
  • Medium white onion, sliced or chopped, 1
  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • Chopped shallot, 2
  • Chilli padis, 4
  • Anchovies stock granules (Recommend Knorr brand), 1 tbsp
nasi goreng

The traditional nasi goreng recipe requires a bit of chilli as well. | Image courtesy: Stock Image

Ingredients for Chilli Paste

  • Fresh chilies, 10
  • Shallots, 8
  • Small knob (half of thumb size) of ginger (optional), 1
  • Sugar, 1 tablespoon 
  • light vegetable oil, 1 1/2 tablespoon 

Method to make Chili Paste

  • Add a dash of water to thin the paste out if it turns out too thick
  • Blend the above mentioned ingredients in a blender and it’s done!


  1. Heat up a wok with 1 tbsp of vegetable oil reasonably hot and scramble the eggs and take them out to set aside. For kids, the scrambled eggs are usually a hit.
  2. Now add in 2 tbsp of oil in the same wok, stir fry the prawns until coloured and cooked, take out and leave aside.
  3. The same with anchovies add in 3 tbsp of oil to be heated up until it smokes, toss in the anchovies to fry until golden brown. Take them out and set aside.
  4. There should be some oil left over in the wok.
  5. Keep it there, toss in chopped shallots to stir fry briefly. Followed by garlic, before they brown, add in onion.
  6. If using anchovies stock. Now, add in the stock granules followed by a dash of water to dilute the granules, reduce the stock liquid for 30 seconds.
  7. Then, add in the overnight rice. Break up all rice lumps and stir fry briefly into the ingredients for 1 min.
  8. Now, add in the above mentioned ingredients (Soy sauce, Chill Paste and Chilli Padi) to stir in evenly.
  9. When the soy sauce colour is even on all the rice grains, throw in the cooked ingredients from Step 1 – Step 3.
  10. Stir fry the rice and ingredients evenly. Now add a wee bit of salt to taste if needed (the anchovies are preserved and salted, go easy on salt here).
  11. Plate it while it’s hot with the prawns on top of the fried rice.

For those who have an iron stomach, add more chilli padis to this Nasi Goreng dish!

However, if you feel the spice may cause a countless amount of sweat-provoking trips to the loo, you can always add one chilli padi and add tomatoes in place for the chilli padis to make the dish a more tummy-friendly one.

Happy Cooking!


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