According to Very Well, up to 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriages, making it a relatively common occurrence. However, not a lot of women speak out about miscarriages, and plenty of us still don’t know how to comfort someone who is grieving over a miscarriage. One theAsianparent Community user asked the community about how to comfort her sister who had just lost her baby.

Here’s what the theAsianparent Community community had to say.
Just be there for her
Nooraini D. lost her baby 5 weeks into her ectopic pregnancy, and found comfort in having her loved ones close to her, while giving her space.
“I found that it was very comforting to have my family and friends just being there for me,” she said. “I think you could do the same to your sister to and if she does break down, just offer her your shoulders and give her tons of hugs. I feel that this is the best way to help her since nothing you do will ever change what has happened.”

Give her space
Nooraini went on to say that it was easier for her to heal when no one brought up her loss. Not all women who go through miscarriages prefer to stay silent though—some would need to talk about it to better process their feelings. Follow her lead. If she needs space, give her space. If she needs to talk, let her know that you’re there to listen.
“She needs time and space to heal on her own,” wrote Jacqueline M. “Be there for her when she needs you and give her the support that she needs, not necessarily in words though.”
Go to the next page for more tips on how to comfort someone who went through a miscarriage.
Check in with her
Even though she might prefer not to talk about what she’s going through, remind her that she’s not alone and that she has your support.
“Just let her know that you are always there for her to talk to if she needs to,” responded Nalika U. “Give her time to heal and check on her very often, especially in the initial days as she’s probably feeling very low.”

Pamper her
If you’re feeling powerless because you don’t know what to say, you can comfort her just by treating her like a princess. “If you feel like you would like to do something, you could make a tonic soup or some porridge and bring it over to her,” advised Hui Q.N.
When she’s physically recovered, you could also treat her to a manicure, take her shopping, and so forth to lift her spirits.
Republished with permission from theAsianparent Philippines