Your week by week pregnancy guide

Mums to be, you're going to love our week by week pregnancy guide. Find out how your baby is developing at each stage of pregnancy.

If you are newly pregnant or trying to conceive, you are going to find this week by week pregnancy guide oh-so-helpful!

Welcome to our comprehensive week by week pregnancy guide.

Starting from week one and taking you through to week 42, we tell you exactly what’s happening to the little one in your womb and how your body is adapting to his development. This guide is also packed with helpful tips on how to look after both your developing baby and yourself right through your pregnancy journey.

First Trimester

First Trimester starts with the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP) and ends with the last day of the 13th week.

Week 9   Week 11   Week 12

Second Trimester

Second Trimester starts at the beginning of the 14th week after your LMP and lasts through the 26th week of pregnancy.

Week 13   Week 14   Week 15   Week 16   Week 17   Week 18   Week 19   Week 21   Week 22   Week 25   Week 26

Third Trimester

Third Trimester starts at the beginning of the 27th week after your LMP and ends with labor.

Week 33   Week 34   Week 35   Week 36   Week 37   Week 38   Week 41   Week 42


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