Xavier Lim's Birth Story

A mother gives a detailed account of her delivery.

I suspect my bag has burst. Or maybe I just need to pee. Overwhelm with sleep, I go back to bed.

0520 – My first contraction. I feel anxious and start timing to check if the contractions are in the 10-minute interval. It is 20 minutes actually.

0615 – I feel the 2nd flow of water. My water bag has burst. The whole family is awake and we are on our way to the hospital.

0730 – We reach Mount Elizabeth Hospital and I am admitted to Delivery Suite 7. Hubby says, ” Wow! Xavier has chosen chose the right day to give birth. Parking’s only $3.50.”

0815 – Only 2cm dilation. Hubby knows it’s going to be a long wait. A 10cm dilation is needed and it’s going 1cm/hr . Time to take a nap…….

0830 – 2cm dilation, checked by the doctor.

0930 – Penicillin drip and syntocinon

(Penicillin to prevent infection and syntocinon to help with the dilation). I try to endure the regular contractions without epidural, which are coming every 10 minutes and then 5 minutes. mins then 5 mins then 3 mins, without epidural.

1330 – 3 cm dilated. The doctor advises to get an epidural.

1400 – Epidural Inserted. Hubby panics. There is 80,000-100,000 chance of hurting the spine and becoming paralysed. I sign the paper that states that the doctor will not be liable if it fails. Everything goes well.

1530 – 4.5cm dilated. Another 5-6 hours to go. I’m shivering. My legs are all numb. My vagina and my baby’s head are swollen.

1700 – 7cm dilated. The head has lowered a little but it is still high. I might need a C-section if the head does not come down.

1810 – Full dilation. I start to practice pushing.

1840 – Epidurals numb my contractions. My blood pressure is dropping to 60/30 or something like that. Nurse presses the emergency button. More nurses come to help. I’m given oxygen and everything is good again.

1930 – Doctor arrives. Head is still high. I need to push harder. 1 doctor and 3 nurses. My husband holds on to me and cheers me on to push harder. The doctor uses his hand to pull out the baby while the midwife pushes the tummy to help the baby to come down. I push harder. The epidural wears off and IT HURTS! Suddenly hubby breaks down and starts to cry because of the pain he feels for me.

2000 – Doctor uses the vacuum. The scissors, the vacuum, the contractions. All are coming in full force and fast. Xavier’s first cry! Finally!

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