Everything You Need to Prepare for Your Home as You Reach Your Third Trimester

You’ve reached your third trimester. Are you ready for the imminent arrival of your precious bundle of joy?

Having a baby changes your whole life. It is one of the most beautiful things you will ever experience, but also one of the most stressful! Here’s a checklist to help you prepare for the exciting arrival of your little one, so you will have less to worry about and more time to enjoy bonding with your bundle of joy.

what you need in third trimester

Three ‘C’s of the Third Trimester

As you enter your third trimester, here are some activities to channel your nesting instincts in preparation for your baby’s arrival. Be careful not to overdo it though! And always ask for help lifting heavy items or with other physically demanding tasks so that you do not injure yourself!

Clean your home and prepare the nursery

what you need in third trimester

Most likely, you have already purchased the big pieces of furniture that your baby requires, such as a crib, wardrobe and changing table. It’s amazing how someone so tiny requires so many things! Make tidying the nursery and the rest of your home a breeze by using the Philips SmartPro Compact Robot vacuum cleaner to clean under furniture and other hard to reach places.

Clear the air with a Philips Air Purifier

Did you know that the air inside your homes can be up to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air?1 Polluted air easily enters our homes through open windows and doors but when these are closed, natural ventilation can trap allergens and small particles, triggering allergic reactions and asthma. Protect your baby’s fragile health by ensuring the air in your home is free from indoor pollutants and allergens with the use of air purifiers.

Clean eating and easy-to-make meals

what you need in third trimester

The Philips All-In-One Cooker is an intelligent cooking system that allows you to slow cook, pressure cook and multi-cook nutritious soups and meals easily, leaving you with more time and energy to bond with your baby.

What you need in third trimester: Checklist

It’s always good to be prepared. Be sure to sit with your partner or a family member to make sure you’ve got your new-parent checklist – with all the essential items you’ll need in the early days and weeks – ready to go for when your bundle of joy arrives! One key thing is to make sure you have your chosen breast pump ready and waiting for when you need it! It will help mitigate engorgement and, for working mums, help ease the transition back into the workplace once you are ready.

As you reach the third trimester, make sure you have everything on this checklist, or as many as possible, so that when the big day comes, you can focus on welcoming your new family member!

  1. Breast Pad
  2. Breast Shells
  3. Nipple Cream
  4. Baby food maker
  5. Mama’s Choice Breastmilk Storage Bag
  6. Drinking cup
  7. Video baby monitor

For more information, visit Philips Avent, the world’s leading mother and childcare brand.


1T. Salthammer Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 52, (2013), 3320; original data from: B. Wang et al. / Atmospheric environment 41 (2007) 2851-2861

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