Useful tips: How to get your baby to sleep


Take a look at this video to understand how to get your baby to sleep in a simply and quick way

How to get your baby to sleep?

Holding your baby and rocking them can be a great experience for the baby as well as for the parents. In fact, studies have shown that vestibular (inner ear) stimulation through space helps in cognitive development of the brain and increases their ability to pay attention.

Which means that when you hug them and sway them, you are actually making them smarter.

The interesting part of this movement is that it works with both- infants and toddlers. Plus, it is a great way to play with your child.

There are three different ways to get your baby to sleep:

  • Up and down motion: When you hold the baby close to your body, head up and on a slight angle and bend your knees to move up and down.
  • Sway side-to-side: When you hold the baby close, head up and on a slight angle and sway him from one side to the other.
  • Combination sway: When you hold your baby close with his head up and on a slight angle and sway hi, from side-to-side with an up and down movement in between.

All the three ways will get your baby to sleep calmly. Take a look at this video to better understand how it works:

Read: Getting your baby to sleep in longer

If you have any insights or comments about the video on how to get your baby to sleep, please share them in our Comment box below.

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