9 things you wouldn’t think of packing in your hospital bag (but should)
So, as a mum who has done the whole hospital bag packing routine, I consider it my duty to impart my knowledge onto yet-to-be mothers. Here’s what I wish I’d taken to the hospital, but wasn’t smart enough to…
Snickers bars
Or any sort of mess-free snack. Crackers, yoghurt, dried fruit… to name a few. You’re going to be starving and hospital food is revolting. A small snack every hour while you’re in early labour will store up plenty of energy for the work ahead.
Remember to also stock your home fridge with all the things you haven’t been able to eat in 9 months. And be sure to lock it from hubby - he’s eaten wayyy enough.
Okay okay, you just pushed a human being out of your vajayjay— who cares how you look in pictures with your newborn? YOU will. For the rest of your life!
Phone charger
Between all that picture-taking, Skype-calling, Snapchatting, Facebooking, Tweeting, calling, and texting, you’ll drain that battery in no time.
Books to read
Tote a book or a magazine to read to kill the boredom. You’ll never know how long your labour takes!
Facial wipes
Trust me, you wouldn’t want to be getting up to wash your face as often as you usually do. Facial cleansing cloths will come in handy when you want to get clean fast.
Flip flops
They're easy to slip on and can also be used in the shower (if that sort of thing makes you feel icky).
Ear plugs & eye mask
Hospitals come with all those extra noises and lights outside of the room. A pair of ear plugs (in case you and an eye mask will help you get as much sleep as you can in between waking with your newborn.)
A tube sock & 3 tennis balls
To be used during labour to keep back pain at bay. Stuff the tennis balls in the sock, tie a knot in the end, and ask your partner to roll the sock up and down your back.
An extra bag
You’ll be going home with pampers, formula milk, gifts from your visitors and much more. Make sure you can lug all of your loot or you’ll be kicking yourself the next few days at Kiddy Palace. That stuff is expensive!
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