The Royal Baby has been named


Find out the Royal Baby's name and what the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been up to since their son's birth.

Prince George

Prince George of Cambridge

On Wednesday 24th July, Prince William and Kate announced the name of their three-day-old son, Prince George Alexander Louis. He will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge. It’s been reported that the baby will soon be photographed for its first official portrait.

RELATED: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge introduce Prince George to the world

Prince George

A first glimpse of Prince George Alexander Louis

The Queen visits her great grandson, Prince George

A few hours before the baby’s name was announced, his great grandmother paid him a visit. She travelled for a short journey from Buckingham Palace to Kensington Palace where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge spent their first night at home with their son. The Queen presumably discussed the baby’s name with the proud new parents during her visit.

RELATED: Prince William and Kate Middleton throughout the years

Watch a video of Prince George on the next page!

Prince George

The happy Royal couple with their newly born son, Prince George

Raising Prince George as normally as possible

The British media reported that Prince William and Kate took their newly born son to the village of Buckleberry where Prince George’s maternal family resides. The couple officially stated that they are now busy “getting to know their son”. William stated that he genuinely appreciated his mother’s efforts to raise him as a normal child, by taking him to the cinema, to theme parks and sending him to a public school. The couple wishes to follow Princess Diana’s lead and give their son as much of a normal upbringing as possible.

RELATED: Top 7 contenders for the royal baby’s name before it was announced

Watch this for more information on Prince George:

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