Singapore science festival


The Singapore Science Festival celebrates the dynamics of science, engineering, technology and bio-medicine, with a wide spread of activities appealing to everyone across all group ages. It is an annual event, jointly organized by the Singapore Science Center and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research.

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Were you at the recent screening of the blockbuster hit movies such as Iron Man 2 and Inception at the Singapore Science Center?

6 movies were screened at the Sci-Fi Movie Festival and Forum, a returning favorite event at the Singapore Science Festival. The event attracted more than 500 secondary and tertiary participants. Each movie was screened before a panel discussion took place. The panel featured speakers to engage the participants to a discussion of the myths and occurrences that were present in the movie.

The movie, “Inception”, had an engaging session discussing the concept of entering another person’s dream. The participants raised questions of how activity occurs during sleeping, how and why dreams occur. An interesting query would be to explore if it is even possible to control what happens in the dream.

In “Iron Man 2”, the speakers explained how scientists consider all factors in each research, weighing the risks and benefits with available resources to the curious participants querying about how scientists conduct their research.

Teleportation may be a reality in the not so distant future, as depicted in the movie, “I am Number Four”. Participants wondered if the concept of teleportation could be an explanation to the disappearance of aircrafts and vessels in the Bermuda Triangle. To date, it is still a mystery. The topic of alien life forms is also brought up, and if these aliens will be subjected to the laws of nature like how mankind was.

Alongside, “Monsters” had both the panelists and participants abuzz with discussion over the possibility of an alien invasion, and would earth be destroyed by these aliens?

The Singapore Science Festival celebrates the dynamics of science, engineering, technology and bio-medicine, with a wide spread of activities appealing to everyone across all group ages. It is an annual event, jointly organized by the Singapore Science Center and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research.


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