Sentosa Islander Membership


“Pssst… Have you heard about the new Sentosa Islander membership?”

Sentosa Islander MembershipBe part of the in crowd and enjoy UNLIMITED island admissions to Sentosa! With the enhanced Sentosa Islander membership, you can now visit Sentosa as many times as you want – via the Sentosa Boardwalk, Sentosa Express (monorail) and Sentosa Gantry (drive-in) with the registration of one private saloon car! You also get to enjoy lots of discounts and privileges when you flash your Sentosa Islander membership card. Get great deals on participating attractions, food and beverages, retail outlets and hotels on the island.

The Sentosa Islander membership starts at only $25/year for Individuals and $50/year for Families (up to 5 immediate family members). What are you waiting for?

Sentosa Islander Membership

Sign up now at and be part of the Sentosa Islander family!


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