5 romantic and sexy text messages to send to your wife

5 romantic sexy and text messages to send to your wife
If you're finding ways to ignite that spark in your marriage, look no further. Here are 5 types of romantic and sexy text messages you should send to your wife, PRONTO!

#1 “I miss you” text messages
Be creative. Look for innovative ways to let your wife know that you’ve been missing her. Instead of the typical "I miss you" texts, why not send her these?
#1 I’m still thinking about last night – love you.
#2 I can still smell your perfume all over me. Wish you could come over here and give me a cuddle.
#3 Babe, call in sick. We can spend the day in each other’s arms instead ;)

#2 Flirty text messages
Kick it up a notch, flirt with your wife like it’s the first time. You don’t necessarily have to make it all raunchy and turn it into a sext. Just make it sweet and passionate.
#1 Honey, I saw you leaving the house this morning. Was checking out your cute butt all the way out.
#2 You + Me + Last night = #makingmeblush
#3 I can still taste you on my lips…

#3 Special words of appreciation
Your wife needs to know how much you appreciate her once in a while (okay, maybe more often than that). Try sending her some of these texts at random times of the day – you'll be the reason she's smiling to herself all day long!
#1 How'd I get so lucky to have you as my wife?
#2 The more I look at my phone wallpaper, the more I realise how beautiful you are. I am one lucky guy!
#3 You are THE best wife ever. I didn’t expect you to remember putting my client brief in my suitcase today – I totally forgot I had a meeting. I really don't know what I’d do without you, honey.

#4 Sexy, romantic messages
Messages that convey love and affection definitely matter to your wife. These texts will lift her spirits and curb off any insecurities she has. More importantly, they let her know that you love her... truly, deeply, madly.
#1 I know you’re busy today, but can you add one thing to your to-do list? Me.
#2 I can’t tell you how much I love the way you feel.
#3 I can’t wait to see you, to touch you...

#5 The (cheesy) laugh-out-loud messages
Try having a laugh with your sweetheart every now and then. Messages shouldn’t be too serious all the time. Send your wife a funny but flirty text, it’ll catch her off guard and probably leave her grinning, even if she’s having a rough day.
I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way.
Can I tie your shoelace for you? I don’t want anyone else falling for my wife.
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together ;)
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