Amazing Parenting Advice Shared By New Mums On The 'First Five Days'


Have you received similar parenting advice too?

Being a new mum can be overwhelming. You not only go through many physiological and emotional changes, but constantly feel the burden of new responsibilities. In fact, you may find yourself in stressful situations looking for viable baby care tips for new moms.

Lucky for this new mother, she received the most ‘amazing’ piece of advice, which she gladly shared with her fellow netizen friends. She shared the ’10-pointer’ she received for the “first 5 days of parenting from doctors, nurses, and midwives.”

And might we add, it is absolutely on point! 

Mum Shares 10-point Advice About The First 5-days Of Parenting

baby care tips for new moms

Screengrab: Reddit

In her post she lists the advice she received from doctors, nurses, and experts around her and says that she hopes that other new parents find it useful. 

  1. He’s very jaundiced and it’s concerning and he’s very underweight.

  2. His jaundice and weight is actually fine.

  3. His jaundice is fine, his weight isn’t good.

  4. We need to supplement breastfeeding with formula.

  5. We need to stop feeding him formula.

  6. Wake him up to feed him.

  7. Don’t wake him up to feed him.

  8. Literally, everything we are doing with respect to breastfeeding is wrong.

  9. Focus on our well-being.

  10. Don’t focus on our well-being, we have a baby to care for.

Confused? Well, don’t be. The point of her post was to list conflicting opinions of experts on childcare. And why new parents must follow their own instincts and parent their baby as them deem fit.  

How Fellow New Mums Reacted To This Advice

Fellow new mums couldn’t agree more this amazing piece of advice and hopped on the conversation to share their stories as well. 

1. “Don’t you want to get rid of the dogs and the birds?”

A user named “Nicole D 24”, who is a mum of daughters aged 6 and 1 shared, “We got a lot of:

  1. Isn’t she cold, you need to dress her warmer.

  2. Isn’t she hot, why is she wearing so many layers in that blanket.

  3. Why isn’t she wearing socks?

  4. Why don’t baby socks ever stay on?

  5. She needs more tummy time, let her hang out on the floor.

  6. Don’t set her on the floor, the dogs will get too close.

  7. Don’t you just want to get rid of the dogs? What about the birds?”

2. “Wear your baby all the time to form a strong bond”

Another user named “Kikirico” added two other points of advice to the list.  She wrote:
  1. Wear your baby all the time to form that strong bond. Babies sleep great when they can hear your heartbeat!

  2. Don’t let your baby sleep in your arms or else she won’t be able to sleep on her own.

3. Lactation consultants’ unsolicited advice

baby care tips for new moms

Screengrab: Reddit

While a new dad wrote, “Don’t even get me started on the lactation consultants. We had one basically shame my wife because we had an emergency c section, wound infection and low milk supply from the stress. Then they kept discouraging formula but our daughter was not sleeping and had failure to thrive because she was hungry. Finally, we saw one sane person who was like “give this baby formula if there isn’t enough milk supply. Continue trying with the breast but don’t stress it. Lactation consultants seem more like witchcraft than science.”

Another new parent named schuey_08 replied, “Honestly yea. As a husband and new dad, it bothers me that this *thing* has been built up to such a degree that it causes incredible unnecessary stress for moms and families. **Feed the kid, no matter how they prefer it.**”

4. Sleep, what is that?

Mum named SleepOrderDis, shared, “Lmfao, our baby was underweight and barely slept. We needed to wake him every three hours. When he finally had a healthy weight I asked if 3.5 hours in of sleep or maybe even 4 would be acceptable. I was looked at like I was about to murder my kid…I feel you guys lol.”

Another user named Ophelia 8991 aptly summed up parenting. She wrote, “This is why a big part of parenting is knowing when to listen and knowing when to ignore. Frustrating tho.”

While we know that this new role can be extremely taxing, it is also a very personal experience. Each parent is different and no two parenting styles can be identical. However, if you are a new parent and looking for some expert advice on ways to care for your newborn, we have you covered. 

7 Baby Care Tips For New Moms In The New Normal

1. Enjoy the moment

The only way you can enjoy motherhood is by living in the moment. Stop worrying about what other say. Focus on the little one and spend adequate time to bond with your baby in the first few days as initial bonding is everlasting. 

2. Make skin-to-skin-contact

baby care tips for new moms

Breastfeeding the child(Photo Credits: Pixabay)

No matter whether you are a breastfeeding mum or you formula feed your child, skin-to-skin contact help you bond better with your baby. 

This technique involves (as the name suggests) skin-to-skin whilst cradling the baby in your arms. You can also gently stroke his back and tummy at this time.

3. Don’t shy away from seeking help

We know it is impossible to manage a newborn by yourself, so don’t hesitate to ask for help. No one is going to judge you. Trust your instinct when it comes to advice from elsewhere. Divide work between you and your husband.

Let him take care of the household chores like cooking and cleaning the dishes, so you can spend time caring for your baby. Alternatively, if your partner has a tight work schedule, and is unable to help you with everyday work, then look for a part-time or a full-time maid, depending on your budget. 

4. Worry not if your baby cries

Crying is the only way of communicating for newborns, be it to show hunger or any discomfort. It could also be because of soiled diapers, or the need to be swaddled, sleep deprivation, stomach ache, and even heat or cold. 

It is natural for them to cry. During the initial days of parenting this can be quite an unnerving experience. However, with some observation and time, you’ll be able to figure out what your child is trying to convey. 

5. Opt for ‘safe’ baby products

Your newborn’s skin is extremely sensitive and can react to any harsh chemical. So always buy baby products that are safe and from a trusted brand. Always check the manufacturing and the expiry date of the product before you apply it to your kid. 

Baby care products you use should be free of strong artificial fragrances, harsh cleansing agents, and any other unnecessary additives that could irritate the baby’s skin or trigger allergies. 

6. Buy comfortable clothes

When you are choosing your newborn’s clothes, make sure they are made from natural fabric and fit him/her properly. This will give them ample space to move their hands and toes and will keep them fresh and cool.

You will be surprised to see how their mood changes depending on the clothes they wear. 

7. Set feeding reminders

By the end of the first few weeks you will be able to gauge the feeding pattern of your child. If you are finding it difficult to wake up at night to feed the child, then you can set an alarm. Don’t worry, this is nothing new. Many new mums so set alarms for feeding and to check for poop cleaning at regular intervals.

Amid the hustle of adjusting your life around the newborn don’t forget to take care of yourself. It might look difficult to spend time with your partner, but try to sneak in a little bit of ‘us time’ whenever you can. You can be good parents, when you are happy and your mind is at peace.

Happy parenting!

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