Rainbow Cake for the birthday kid


The wonderful blogger mum Radhika from Sinsations shares this amazing Rainbow Cake recipe with us. Read on...and try your hands at whipping it up for your kiddo's birthday bash!

You will need:

A tasty vanilla cake batter
Gel colours in purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red
6 equal sized bowls
6 spoons
2, 8″ round tins, lined and sprayed

1. Using my yummy 1-2-3-4 recipe as the base, I divided this into 6 bowls.

rainbow cake

Each portion was coloured with food coloring gels to make deep colours.

2. Starting with the purple, pour it into the bottom of each tin.

rainbow cake

3. Pour the blue batter onto the purple. It will spread the purple batter out to the edges of the tin.

rainbow cake

4. Next, pour the green. Follow with the yellow, orange and end with the red.

rainbow cake

rainbow cake

5. Once the batter it poured into the tins, gently rap the base of the tin on a folded towel, to spread it out.

6. Bake in a preheated oven for 30-35 minutes, or until the cake is done.

7. Cool the cakes, then wrap in cling film and freeze for a day.

Click on the next page for steps on making the frosting!

To frost and decorate, you need:

Buttercream of choice
Cake boards, 8″, 12″
Serrated knife
Offset spatula
Gel colours

1. Tort the cakes to form 4 layers. You will have a vibrant rainbow cross section.

rainbow cake

2. Use a little buttercream to “stick” down the first layer onto an 8″ cake board.

3. Use a good 1/2 cup of frosting between each layer, ending with the flat bottom of one of the cakes, on top. I left my buttercream white, as the cake was colourful enough, and I planned on putting a rainbow on the sides.

4. Crumb coat the cake. Chill. Then cover again with a generous coating of frosting.

rainbow cake

5. While the crumb coat was chilling, I coloured my fondant, using the same 6 colours I’d used for the batter. I rolled thin cylinders and formed them around a glass bowl to create a curved shape.

rainbow cake

6. Since I had a lot of left over fondant, I made little balls in each colour, to use as a border.

rainbow cake

7. Once the cake is finished, move it onto the larger cake board, securing in place with a dab of buttercream.

I added the rainbow to the side of the cake, then used the balls of fondant to form a border.

rainbow cake

rainbow cake

The pièce de résistance was the little Rainbow Dash topper on the cake!

Have a wonderful rainbow filled day!

For more recipes from Radhika, check out her blog at https://sinsationscakes.wordpress.com or like her on Facebook.

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