Rafferty’s Garden all-natural food range launches in Singapore!


Australia's all-natural baby food brand has finally made its launch in Singapore


The peeps at Rafferty’s Garden dropped in to send us some samples!

The all-natural baby food brand from Australia, Rafferty’s Garden, has finally launched in Singapore! Singaporean parents can now feed their little ones healthy goodness on the go.

Rafferty’s Garden has a wide range of delicious smoothies, rusks and baby food pouches that provides nutritious, preservative-free food for babies aged between 6 months and 12months+.

This product will keep even mummies happy knowing that their babies are kept healthy.

Raffertys Garden all-natural food range launches in Singapore!

Smooth Range comes in a wide range options such as creamy natural yoghurts, wheat-free porridge, and finely pureed proteins like chicken and beef.

In the Smooth Range Category, there are nine different flavours that you can choose from for your 6month old such as Garden Pear and Superberries Smooth and Spinach, Apple, Brocolli and Pea Smooth. At S$3.20 per pouch, this is perfect for time crunched parents who want the best combined nutrients for their babies without having to deal with the hidden nasties.

Raffertys Garden all-natural food range launches in Singapore!

Rusks offer an easy to grip, safe and nutritious food that keep babies moving and growing.

Another product for your 6month old, the Milk Teething Rusks not only helps with the teething process, it also provides your kid with gum relief. Selling at S$6.95 for a pack of 12, your babies will be happy with  these easy to grip, safe and nutritious on-the-go snacks!

Raffertys Garden all-natural food range launches in Singapore!

Containing whole grains, reduced sugar and real fruit purée, snack bars serve as a healthy yet yummy in-between meals.

For your ever hungry 12 month old, Rafferty’s Garden Fruit Snack Bars are sure to keep those little tummies happy in between meals, on-the-go. Fruit & Veggie Bars containing whole grains, reduced sugar and real fruit purée serve as a healthy yet yummy in-between meals that will keep them moving and growing.

“The ranges have been developed specifically for different age groups and provide parents with flavoursome, easy, on-the-go quality meals,” said Karen Kingham, accredited Practicing Dietitian and nutritionist and advisor to Rafferty’s Garden.

For more information, visit their website or their Facebook page . There are also delicious recipes available on their website that can be easily created at home using Rafferty’s Garden products that are suitable for both you and your kids!

Mummies, have you tried their products? 

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