Pregnancy Concerns: difficulty in sleeping


The hormonal changes that you experience during pregnancy are the root cause of a lot of pregnancy concerns.

The hormonal changes that you experience during pregnancy are the root cause of a lot of pregnancy concerns. One of the major reasons why pregnant women are not able to get a good night’s sleep is because the growing fetus causes their uterus to expand, generating a lot of pressure inside the body. It becomes extremely hard for a woman to find the right position to relax and sleep when she is pregnant.

If you have a habit of sleeping straight on your back or flat on your stomach, it might take you some days to find the right position for yourself. Additional symptoms of pregnancy like increased urge to urinate, breathlessness due to increased heart rate, cramps in the legs and the abdomen, backache, nausea and heartburn can also cause disturbed sleep.

If you are also experiencing anxiety about your baby’s health, that too could keep you awake at nights.

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