7 Precious Words Of Wisdom For Breastfeeding Mums


Are you breastfeeding, pregnant, or considering motherhood? Here are some points that could be helpful for your breastfeeding journey

Breastfeeding is an exciting and beautiful experience, but it can be tricky. Here are some tips that could make the journey smoother.

1. Breastfeeding doesn’t always come easy.

While some mums are able to feed their baby easily, this isn’t the case for many mothers. Try not too feel frustrated if breastfeeding doesn’t come naturally to you. For some mothers, it can take up to months to get used to it. And for some mothers, breastfeeding might just not be the right path for them. That’s alright, too.

2. Pain is normal.

Sore, chafing, and even bleeding nipples. Engorged breasts. Though not all women experience pain while breastfeeding, many do. Don’t worry, it’ll get better soon.

challenges to breastfeeding

3. Some days you’ll feel like a milk machine.

It’s recommended that for the first few weeks, you nurse at least 10-12 times per day. Translation: you’ll be spending a lot of time breastfeeding, and some days you might feel like you’ve done nothing else. Don’t get down on yourself and remember that what you’re doing—feeding your baby with your body—is important.

4. Breastfeed wherever, whenever.

Don’t be ashamed or scared of what people might think. If your baby needs to eat, feed him/her. It’s as simple as that.

5. It’s alright to ask for help.

If you’re having trouble getting the hang of nursing, you could ask for help from a midwife, a doctor, or even a friend who can teach you how to feed your child more effectively. And, of course, now’s as good a time as any for you to ask your partner for extra support and encouragement.

6. Breastfeeding aids are your best friends.

We’re talking breast pumps, nipple creams, breast pads, and so forth. In between nursing sessions, you’ll want to store your excess milk so you can give yourself a break later on.

7. It’s worth it.

Breastfeeding isn’t all pleasant, but you will end up loving these precious moments with your baby. It’s a beautiful experience that won’t last forever, so cherish every minute.

How Many Months Should You Breastfeed

Breastfeeding is the most natural way to feed your baby | Image Source: Unsplash

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