Popular Japanese baby girl names


Want to give your baby girl a unique name? Try one of these popular Japanese baby names.

Want to give your baby girl a unique name? Try one of these popular Japanese baby girl names!


Here is a list of Japanese baby girl names


1) Aya

Means “colour” or “design”; also of Hebrew origin, meaning “vulture”

2) Yuri

Means “lily”; also of Russian origin, meaning “earth worker”

3) Hina

Means “sunshine” or “greens”, also associated with the Hina Matsu doll festival in March

4) Rina

Means “village greens”; also of Hebrew origin, meaning “song” or “joy”

5) Yua (yoo-wa)

Means “binding love”

6) Moe (mo-eh)

Means “bud” or “sprout”

7) Yuuna

Means “gentle” or “superiority”

Nicknames: Nana, Yee

8) Yukiko

Means “fortunate child” or “happiness”

Nicknames: Kiki, Yuri, Coco

9) Mai (my)

Means “dance”; also of Chinese and Vietnamese origin, meaning “elegance” and “cherry blossom” respectively


We hope this list of popular Japanese baby girl names helps you name your newborn! See our other lists of popular Greek, Armenian, and Mexican names for more inspiration!

Related:  Popular Greek baby girl names

Related:  Popular Armenian baby girl names

Related:  Popular Mexican baby girl names

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