Doris Tiong shares her labour story with theAsianparent.com
My 1st born labour experience has became one of the boy’s bed time stories over the last 5 years.
It was a long 12 hours, having myself totally exhausted, ran into near emergency Casearan birth, with 3 badly tears even with an episiotomy, under 5 hours of monitoring of blood pressure levels due to loss of blood (in the delivery room) & only get to see my baby again almost another 10hrs later.
Despite all the happenings, we can only be thankful that the baby delivered safely with vacuum assistance, weighed a good 4.2kg, looks like full month old at brith, probably the biggest size in the nursery ward.
Now & then, when I relate the birth to my 1st born, I will hi-light that the gynae only gave me 3 last push, if not, she will cut me immediately. Then, we will go “1,2,3, push” for 3 times & then, go “Pop” & “Wahh”, the baby came out. Then, my boy will be amused & giggle heartedly over it. We are truly blessed indeed.