Photos of miscarried child sparks debate about abortion


“A friend of the Anti-Choice Project sent these pictures of her miscarriage this morning in the hopes that they would be seen by many…."

On April 10, 2016, on a private Facebook group called “The Anti-Choice Project,” one mother uploaded a series of photos showing what appeared to be a miscarried child.

Although the photo’s authenticity is yet to be verified, the group claimed that the miscarried child was nine-weeks old.

“A friend of the Anti-Choice Project sent these pictures of her miscarriage this morning in the hopes that they would be seen by many…. Photos like these reveal the humanity of preborn children.”

READ: Mum pays tribute to her 11 miscarriages in a heartbreaking photo series

According to the mother, whose identity she chose not to share, she wanted people to see her baby to raise awareness to the humanity of babies killed in the womb by abortion.

“Conception occurs roughly two weeks after a woman’s period, but doctors measure pregnancy from the first day of the last period,” said a report by Live Action News. “Therefore, a woman who is nine weeks pregnant is carrying an approximately seven-week-old preborn baby.”

Photos of Miscarried Child Sparks Debate About Abortion

Photo credit: Facebook

The general reaction to the photos is mixed, with the women divided into two camps, those who are pro-choice and those who are against it.

Facebook user Sarah Beal said, “I’m sorry for your loss but posting something like this on Facebook as a way to try & shame other women in different circumstances is what’s inhumane.

Photos of Miscarried Child Sparks Debate About Abortion

Photo credit: Facebook

“They have to live with their choice and nobody else. I wish people understood that no matter what you do or say you’re not going to change someone else’s mind when it’s already made up.

“Just live and let other women live and all of us need to have love for each other regardless as women”

Photos of Miscarried Child Sparks Debate About Abortion

Photo credit: Facebook

Echoing Sarah Beal’s sentiments, user Deonna Minix said: “The point of abortion is that it shouldn’t be your business what another woman does to her body. Yes, miscarriages are devastating, but you don’t know that woman’s reasoning and she’s already having such a tough time dealing with her own decisions without your condescending, prehistoric ways.”

Meanwhile, user Shaynia Cook responded: “For those of you who do not understand why a miscarriage has been brought into abortion: this is to show people that even at such an early stage you can clearly see the start of a baby.

“It’s not just a cell or something similar. Many girls do not know much about their babies when they start the abortion process. A lot of women come out and were not warned of many things.

“Personally, I am conflicted on the issues so I do not take sides. But for everyone claiming it’s a sin to abort and being judgmental, it is also a sin to pass judgment.”

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