5 photos that all breastfeeding mums should see

5 photos that all breastfeeding mums should see
Cheyanne Booker, a mother and photographer from Alabama, had a tough time breastfeeding her now 13 month old daughter; so she created a photo series of different mums that went through the same problems. Booker shared the photo series on Facebook, and features different stories of mums who struggled with breastfeeding right after giving birth. "This is to help encourage other mothers who also breastfeed or want to breastfeed their babies," she said on Facebook. "They all told me their stories of their personal struggles with breastfeeding and their determination to make it work (even if they had to use donor milk). This isn’t to put down mothers who formula feed, but to encourage all women who choose to breastfeed that might feel like they are alone in their journey."

Monique Johnson
"I have been breastfeeding for almost 3 years now. I started nursing my son the day he was born, it was a learning curve for both of us, but once we learned what worked for us, it was the easiest thing in the world for us to do. My son nursed all through the pregnancy of my daughter, and though I struggled with nursing during pregnancy I never stopped, I always knew that nursing was the path I would take with my children but I never thought my son would still be nursing at 2 and 8 months. I never thought I would tandem nurse two children, but here I am.
photo from: facebook

Shelby Butler
"Aven is my fourth baby - my fourth breastfed baby. But the first baby that I've nursed.
Nursing Aven for the last four months has been wonderful. Finally, breastfeeding feels easy. It feels special. I hope to nurse her for two years - or more, if that's what she wants. I'm in no rush to give this up."
photo from: facebook

Samantha and Phoenix
"With the help of almost two dozen amazing women so far, Shelter has been able to stay almost exclusively on breastmilk in spite of all of that. We find our donors through women we know or through a nonprofit called Human Milk 4 Human Babies and we are so grateful to all the people who have made it possible for us to keep our preemie breastfed."
photo from: facebook

Emily Lowell
"I look forward to many more years of this. My personal goal for breastfeeding Cyrus Is that I want to make it to 2 years, and as far as Zoey goes I just want her to be able to nurse as long as it still provides her comfort and then she can self wean when she's done."
photo from: facebook

Gwendolyn Martin
"When I had my last child, Kam, I wasn't able to nurse him for the first 24hrs I became discouraged. I had planned it out from the day I found out I was pregnant I was going to nurse until 1yr at least. After finally getting to nurse him he latched perfectly, fed for 20 minutes and now he prefers breastmilk, won't take any formula or a bottle for the most part. He's been gaining weight much faster than my other children had at his age. I'm proud to say we've made it 5+ months exclusively breastfeeding with many more to come."
photo from: facebook
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