Family shocked as dog dies at pet kennel in Singapore


A family on holiday were shocked to hear that their beloved dog had died at a pet kennel in Singapore. Read what happened...

A family went for a short holiday recently and entrusted their beloved dog at a pet kennel in Singapore. Only, just after 2 days, they received the shocking news that the dog had died.

“Suddenly and very peacefully”.

Dog dies at pet kennel in Singapore

Mummy Gina Kang Yen Ling, shared her sorrow on Facebook.

She writes, “My dog Luffie went for boarding to this “Benji pet kennel” as we went away for a short trip end up but 2 days later they called me up and told me my dog dies suddenly & very peacefully?!”

Apparently, the dog was just 2 years old and did not have any health issues. The pet kennel offered no explanations on how it all really happened.

“We did not expect Luffie to die because he was healthy and also very active.They gave us 0 explanations on how Luffie died and simply replied us “idk””

Gina is also upset that it took them more than 3.5 hours to inform her.

“They found out Luffie at 12 pm but we were notified ONLY at 3.30pm. Also, the pets there are not taken care of for about 16 hrs as they operate at 12 pm.”

She has already lodged a report with the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA), and updates, “Yesterday AVA called up and says the post mortem is done.”

The results of the post-mortem will be out only after 5-6 weeks though…

pet kennel in Singapore

PHOTO: FACEBOOK / Gina Kang Yen Ling

Meanwhile, the AVA has released a statement on the issue:

“AVA is investigating the death of a dog at Benji Pet Kennel. While investigation is ongoing, we will appreciate if the public refrain from speculation.

Members of the public who have information on this case (e.g. photographic or video evidence, witnesses, etc) can contact AVA at 1800-476-1600. All information provided will be kept in strict confidence.”

This is so sad. There are so many cases of pet abuse in Singapore these days.

Mums and dads, how do you make sure your pets are in safe hands when you go on holiday?

Also READ: Shocking video shows maid hitting a dog in Singapore 

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