Nurturing kids with the 3Cs


Head down to the Star Learners Childcare Centre open house this September to find out more about their learning programme!

star learners childcare, open house

Star Learners Childcare Centre open house: Give your child an all-rounded early education!

As parents, we know that the early years are important for setting a strong foundation of lifelong learning for our kids. To do this, we need to build their self-confidence by encouraging them to explore their surroundings and express their thoughts by interacting with the people around them.

To help kids achieve their learning milestones during the early years, the team of educators at the Star Learners Childcare Centre have designed a well-rounded early learning framework that focuses on the 3Cs: Building Confident, Creative children with Character. This philosophy is achieved through a mix of literacy and thematic approaches in the reading and writing programmes offered at the centre. Kids at Star Learners Childcare Centre will also get to work on fun and educational projects that allow them to get hands-on experiences as they learn to work in teams.

Star Learners open house

Parents, here’s your chance to find out more about the holistic curriculum offered at Star Learners Childcare Centre. Visit any of the Star Learners centre across Singapore during the open house to meet with the teachers, have a look at some of the work that the Star Learners kids get up to and join in the fun line-up of activities.

Star Learners childcare, open house

Be there at the Star Learners Childcare Open House this September!

Want to know the line-up of activities that will be happening during the Star Learners Childcare open house? Find out on page 2…

Parenting talk on early learning

Want to know how to nurture your child’s learning abilities during the early years? Join in this sharing session conducted by Areena Loo, the youngest Singaporean to be awarded the Young Global Leader award by the World Economic Forum, and get tips on how you can make learning fun and fulfilling for your child.

Preview activities

If you’re wondering how the activities offered at Star Learners can help your child with developing their fine and gross motor skills, here’s your chance to let them try out some of the programmes offered at the centre. Among the activities that your little ones can be part of during the open house include Gym, Aikido, Speech and Drama, Arts and Craft and Ready Steady Go Kids.

Star Learners childcare, open house

Let your little ones try out some of the activities offered at Star Learners Childcare Centre.

See you there!

Be sure to make your way to the Star Learners open house from 10am to 2pm at the following centres on these dates:

star learners childcare, open house

Do note that open house activities vary from centre to centre. For enquiries and registration, you can call the Star Learners Childcare Centre hotline at 6250 0173 or email [email protected].

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