Math Drills app: 'techy' teacher's delight


As a teacher, are you always looking for the perfect math app to help with lessons? Check out how Math Drills is a 'techy' teacher's delight, which allows up to 50 students to learn basic math skills.

Math Drills app for iPhone, iPad, iPod

Check out the Math Drills app for your child’s iPhone, iPad, iPod

Whether you’re a teacher or a parent, you can agree that math is an essential part of growing up that doesn’t always come easy or naturally for kids. Fortunately though, technology is making even the most difficult subjects more approachable, especially when it comes to being a teacher instructing a class of up to 50 students. Check out a math app that is sure to be the ‘techy’ teacher’s (or parent’s) delight, helping to uncover a new way of teaching and learning!

Drilling math

Math Drills by Instant Interactive is the go-to app for real world mathematical problems. It’s a little more intense and structured than most math apps. This math app uses a little less of the “game” format that is so attractive to the younger age group. Your student/child will be able to use the math app to explore problems and find solutions using various number lines, wooden blocks, facts and hints


Among the on-going list of apps available, Instant Interactive’s math app is known for its graphically rich presentation styles. It provides a fun activity environment, while preserving the intense structure, which is suitable for serious learners. When using the app for the first time, you will immediately notice how the theme is very traditional, in other words, every math problem will be provided on a virtual chalkboard.

Related: 10 ways to improve your child’s math

Exciting features

Among the many popular features in this math app, one is having the ability to personalize the setting, score and test history of each exercise stage to your personal comfort level. Another feature, is the module, which monitors the time spent on each drill. Here the emphasis is on problems answered wrongly or too slowly. This is very helpful, as this methodology will allow your student/child to be keenly aware on the time factor and efficiency levels to target. It will also help you keep track of the learner’s progress with accuracy and speed graphs. Don’t forget that this app allows up to 50 students to participate!

Math Drills app

An inside look at Math Drills app


You do not have to purchase a separate electronic gadget for this app to be enjoyed, since it can be used on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. As a parent or teacher, this is not only convenient, but is also a good way to save and share in something both of you can benefit from. At less than S$3, this math app is worth exploring whether it’s at home or in a classroom setting. You can purchase this app at or at iTunes

Related: Learn how to grab math by the tail with your kids


According to the latest reviews however, this is not suitable if ‘fun’ is the only factor you are considering. This math app is designed to provide a child with a lot more than just a few moments of interactive fun. Therefore, teachers or parents searching for more serious mathematical challenges will find that the Instant Interactive app fits nicely. Other reviews seem to advocate some level of adult participation needed, especially at the very beginning stages, where the math drills are chosen. This is perhaps due to the varied menu settings offered, which might end up confusing instead of assisting a child.

Taking the time to work on the Math Drills app together may be an interesting experience that is worth exploring. Share with us your thoughts on this app, and if you think it is worth buying.

Check out what this app looks like in real life:

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