It was just another school run for U.S. mum Jenna Casado Rabberman.
She’s the mum of two boys – her youngest is just 6 weeks old, and her oldest, almost 3 years old.
On Monday this week (25 September), she had picked up her older boy from preschool and had stopped, just minutes away from their home, to buy milk.
Then it happened.
A car came speeding past the red lights and slammed into Jenna’s car – her little ones were still inside.
Jenna explains:
“Someone sped through a red light and slammed into us. You never think it will happen to you. My boys escaped without a scratch but the paramedics told me it could have been very different…”

So what was the miracle that saved her boys? Who was their guardian angel?
It’s pretty simple, mums and dads. The only reason they escaped without a scratch from this terrible accident was because Jenna took two extra minutes to make sure they were buckled in to their car seats correctly.
As the thankful mum says,
“THIS is why you buckle your kids into their car seats correctly every SINGLE time. Even when they scream because the straps are tight. Even when they complain about the chest clip or being rear facing.”
The car had no chance, but Jenna is okay, and her kids are fine thanks to their car seats (Graco for the toddler and Chicco for the newborn) and a mum’s presence of mind.
In her post, Jenna also says,
“I never expected this post to be seen by so many people! I really only posted it for family & friends but hopefully it will save a life by making someone think twice about buckling their child in.”
Car seat safety for kids: Tips for parents
Mums and dads, we have always emphasised the importance of strapping your kids properly and at all times when in a vehicle, in appropriate car seats. Posts like Jenna’s just serve to highlight (in real life) the importance of doing this.
Please keep these car seat safety tips in mind:
- Car seats for kids should always be installed in the back seat.
- Never sit in the backseat of a car, carrying or breastfeeding a young child.
- When installing a car seat for the first time, it’s best that you get it done by the manufacturer.
- Always read the user manual carefully for brand-specific information on the use of your child’s car seat.
- Avoid buying pre-loved car seats.
- Infants should ride in their car seats facing the rear at least until they are around a year old (around 10kg).
- Ensure that the safety belt holds the seat tightly in place. For this, check that the belt is put through the correct slot. If in doubt, get the manufacturer’s advice.
- The harness should be buckled snugly around your child. The straps must be over your child’s shoulder. Adjust the harness so that only one finger can be slipped underneath the strap at your child’s chest.
- Older children should still travel in a booster seat. Remember that adult seatbelts usually don’t secure a child until they are almost 5 feet tall and weigh around 35kg.
- Never place the seatbelt under the child’s armpit or behind his back.
KKH Study: 1 in 2 children in accidents NOT properly restrained
Car seat rules in Singapore: What parents should know
Stay safe! Share your car safety tips with us in a comment.