Keeping gestational diabetes under control


Eight out of 100 pregnancies in Singapore are complicated by gestational diabetes. Here are some tips on how to keep this in control.


Overcome gestational diabetes with these steps!

Eight out of 100 pregnancies in Singapore are complicated by gestational diabetes. Here are some tips on how to keep this in control.

  1. Work with a dietitian to develop a meal plan that will be beneficial to you and your baby.
  2. Avoid eating sweets, watch the carbs and try to eat frequent meals.
  3. Fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains all eaten in sufficient amounts are greatly emphasised upon.
  4. Exercise for about 30 mins a day but also check with your doctor about the right amount of exercise that is appropriate for you.
  5. Blood sugar should be checked often.
  6. Take your diabetes meds as prescribed by the doctor.

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