For someone who just recently gave birth, Kate Middleton’s post baby weight loss is truly impressive. Recently, paparazzi caught up with the Duchess of Cambridge during a family day outing at the Beaufort Polo Club in Gloucestershire. She was dressed in a fitted striped Zara dress looking like she’s lost weight since the royal wedding three weeks ago.
But even as she stood on the steps of the Lindo Wing holding Prince Louis only hours after giving birth, she still looked pretty amazing.
But now, at seven weeks post baby, the mother of three is already looking slender and back to her pre-pregnancy self.
Kate Middleton Post Baby Weight Loss: Is This Possible?
According to midwife Laura Spicer of The Women’s Health Clinic, it IS possible. The answer to shedding the pregnancy weight quickly is a combination of pre-existing fitness and good genes. Another contributing factor is also having a healthy pregnancy with a normal BMI.
“So if Mum recovered well, you’re more likely to as well,” says Spicer.
Spicer adds that Kate Middleton’s post baby weight loss could also be due to her following a healthy diet since giving birth. By cutting down on carbs and comfort eating in favour of healthy food, a mum is more likely to lose the excess weight faster. Despite the goal to get back to pre-pregnancy size, Spicer thinks that excessive dieting and exercise should not have priority over breastfeeding and bonding with your newborn.
5 Surprising Facts About Bouncing Back After Giving Birth
#1 – Everyone loses weight differently post baby
While Kate Middleton’s post baby weight loss might seem amazing, not all women lose pregnancy weight the same way. All women would lose about 10-12 pounds (baby, placenta, fluids, etc) right after giving birth. After that, weight loss is anybody’s guess.
There are so many contributing factors involved. These include pre-pregnancy weight, pregnancy weight gain, activity levels, genetics, amount of breastfeeding, the method of birthing, the newborn’s temperament, how much sleep the mum gets, the amount of help, and how the mum’s body/brain responds to stress.
#2 – Not all women lose weight while breastfeeding
I can personally attest to this! While I watched other breastfeeding mums get slimmer, it took me almost a year to get closer to my pre-pregnancy weight. So yes, there are two sides to the story and both are true. Some will lose weight while breastfeeding and some won’t until they start weaning.
So don’t expect the same results as Kate Middleton’s post baby weight loss if you’re breastfeeding. You will burn calories when you’re breastfeeding, but don’t expect the weight to melt off as there are many other contributing factors to consider.

#3 – Exercise is great if you have the time
Don’t compare yourself with celebrity mums because most likely they have paid help, personal trainers and personal nutritionists. While they can concentrate on bouncing back, the rest of us are busy trying to achieve some semblance of normalcy after giving birth. Between managing the running of the family and caring for the baby, sometimes mums are just too tired to do anything else.
But there are actually lots of other things you can do like taking the baby for long walks or even home workouts when your baby is asleep. Exercises are proven to be helpful to keep your spirits up and to help your body bounce back faster. So when you have the time, do squeeze in a little exercise because even simple pelvic floor exercises will be good for you.
#4 – Breastfeeding mums are always hungry
Kate Middleton’s post baby weight loss must have involved a lot of willpower because for some women, breastfeeding turns you into a ravenous beast. There will be all kinds of cravings and excuses to eat like, “Hey, it’s okay, I’m breastfeeding.” But if you’re not careful, you could still end up eating more than you really need to, which will result in slower weight loss.
So be wise and eat in moderation. Choose healthy snacks and healthier substitutes for when you need a little pick-me-up. Remember, sugary foods might give you a temporary high, but later you’ll have to deal with all the empty calories.
#5 – It is okay to have a post baby body
There’s no rush and no pressure to get back to your old size. Some mums might be able to achieve Kate Middleton’s post baby weight loss, and some might not and that’s completely okay. In fact, WebMD suggests women forget about dieting for at least six weeks postpartum and focus on eating a healthy diet.
Don’t forget that you will most likely be sleep-deprived and too tired to do what it takes to lose the weight during this period — so it can wait. Instead, try focusing on the more important things like establishing breastfeeding patterns and bonding with your newborn.
Source: Daily Mail, Babble, WebMD
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