Watch your kids become little athletes at the JWT Kids Gym!

Exercise is not just for the adults. Introduce it to the kids with JWT Kids Gym.

For the complete list of Family oriented places you can visit in Singapore, click here!

Exercise is not just for the adults. Introduce it to the kids with JWT Kids Gym.

The JWT kids Gym main goal is to create a unique and personalized experience for each and every child through physical activity and fun.

The programs have been specially designed by pediatric experts, child psychologists and occupational therapists to enhance a child’s physical skills, fine and gross motor skills, spatial awareness, coordination, balance, agility and flexibility. Best of all, they’re super-fun!




Parent Participation class: The JW Tumbles program includes parent-participation classes for children aged 4 months to 3 years old. These classes let children and parents interact in constructive ways designed to stimulate a child’s imagination and encourage the development of physical skills.


Non- Parent Participation class: For older kids, the program continues seamlessly, as the children are ready to venture out on their own and participate in instructor-led classes with their peers. The JW Tumbles program is focused on providing a transforming experience to children and their parents, centered around fun, learning, creativity and physical fitness.

Though the program is geared for kids, it’s almost as much fun for the parents. (We know that a certain childless friend of ours is willing to ‘borrow’ our kid just to be allowed inside here – Proof of fun!)


Singapore – Central
81 Clemenceau Avenue
UE Square, #02-12
Singapore 239917
Telephone: (65) 6333-8511

Singapore – East
5 Stadium Walk #02-02/03
Leisure Park, Kallang
Singapore 397693
Telephone: (65) 6344-2320

Singapore – East
46 East Coast Road
Eastgate Building,
Singapore 428766
Telephone: (65) 6348-1889



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For the complete list of Family oriented places you can visit in Singapore, click here!

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