5 ways to talk to your daughter

5 ways to talk to your daughter
Although there are several facets of parenting, one of the most prominent aspects is communication. It is important to know how to talk to your daughter, because it's a key factor in the person she may become.
Today, it is common for young girls to feel ugly and to feel judged based on their physical appearances. According to a feminist blog called Latina Fatale, "It sets them up for dieting at age 5, applying foundation at age 11, boob jobs at 17 and Botox at 23."
It is your job as a parent to make sure your daughter does not feel that looks are the most important thing in her world. Her knowledge and goals should be discussed more than her appearance, even as a little girl.
If you feel too nervous to talk to your daughter and don't know where to start, use some of our expert tips. Here are 5 ways to get you started on how to talk to your daughter about the more important things in life:

1. Talk about school
Talking to your daughter about her day at school will divert her attention to academics by allowing her to open up about the things she likes and dislikes about school. Encourage your daughter to like certain subjects as well as dislike subjects, with reason of course.
This will make her subconsciously debate why she likes and dislikes particular subjects. This in turn will more frequently divert her attention to things that matter more than her physical appearance.

2. Don't allow anyone to get her down
It's highly informative in any case to know how to talk to your daughter about what is going on in her mind. When a young girl is called "fat", it tends to stick with them for a long time and affect them in all aspects of their life. Ask her what people are saying about her. Explain to your daughter that no one can get her down. Make sure she is aware of how much she means to you. This will surely help her when she encounters a similar situation in the future.

3. Hobbies
It will strengthen your daughter's personality in the long run if you know how to talk to your daughter about her hobbies and can help her participate in them. Encourage your daughter to take up hobbies she likes. If she is a fan of football, don't allow people to tell her it's too 'boyish' for her.
Similarly, if she is a fan of reading, don't let her think it's too 'nerdy' to read. Participate in your daughter's hobbies or activities that she likes. Go out with her and play football, or discuss her favourite book with her.

4. Let her eat
It is common for girls to be told that they are eating too much, or that they need to lose weight. If your daughter enjoys food, let her eat. It is imperative to know how to talk to your daughter when it comes to food. Telling your daughter to eat less will cause them to resent you, without understanding your reasons. Instead, teach your daughter to eat healthy.

5. Praise her for her achievements
Always tell your daughter how proud you are of her. Every little achievement, be it an A on a test, a medal, or a lovely drawing, let her know you genuinely appreciate it. Daughters are the happiest when their parents are proud of them.
Let us know if these tips were helpful! Do you have any more tips on how to talk to your daughter? We'd love to hear from you!