How To Strengthen Your Child’s Immunity According To Gynaecologist


Reader asks, "I would like to know how to strengthen my child’s immunity. What can I do to help prevent illness and infections."

Some common sense approach is important. For example, basic hygiene in your home environment, observation of hygiene practices when you handle the child, avoidance of crowded places as well as not coming into close contact with people with diseases that is easily transmissible for example, the flu.

Breastfeeding is also important too, for the child because of the transfer of the antibodies from the mother as well as the transfer of the beneficial microorganisms from the mother known as probiotics through the breast milk to the baby. Which is crucial especially during the 1st 6 months of the child’s life. And it is also well documented that it actually helps the child reduce incidences like diarrhoea, or respiratory illnesses.

Breastmilk is also very important for the child as far as nutrition is concerned. Nutrition is also important for the build up of the immune system for the child. Try to breastfeed your little one as long as you can.

Answered by Dr Beh Suan Tiong

Dr Beh Suan Tiong is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Thomson Medical Centre. He is also accredited by the Members of Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (M.R.C.O.G) in the United Kingdom.

Watch Dr Beh’s answer to this and other C-section questions

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