How to sleep better during the third trimester

1. Sleep on your left side
The best sleep position is on your left side and is the way your midwife or doctor will recommend. Sleeping on the left side keeps the blood flow to your lower body unrestricted.
You can alternate sides, as sleeping on one side all the time can be difficult, but avoid sleeping on your back. It reduces blood flow to the uterus and can lead to back pain and haemorrhoids, because of the excess pressure. Sleeping on your belly is definitely a no-can-do during your last trimester.

2. Make friends with your pregnancy pillow
You've tried all the pregnant sleep positions and still not getting the comfortable sleep you need? The solution could be a pregnancy pillow, also known as a maternity pillow. They can be bought from most maternity stores and cost around $30 to $70, depending on size and features.
Many pregnant women swear by these because they offer support for your belly, legs and upper body. We recommend choosing the L shaped type for best support.
3. Sleeping semi-upright
Many pregnant women may feel more comfortable sleeping in a semi-upright position, supported by a big pillow. It can help alleviate heartburn, a common upset during the third trimester. Plus, if you feel bloated, this position helps you breathe more easily during sleep.

4. No TV before bedtime
Sleep can be easily disturbed by too much stimulation before you shut your eyes. Relax and unwind for the few hours before you sleep. Avoid exercise, late-night online chat sessions with your friends or watching too much TV or action packed movies.
The best sleep aid is a warm cup of cocoa and a good book or something else that relaxes and puts your mind at rest.

5. Stick to a routine
A good sleep needs a good routine. Being pregnant may have thrown your usual routine out the window, but try and stick to your new pregnant routine so your mind and body are in sync.
Go to sleep at the same time every day and try not to oversleep in the morning. You can always take naps during the afternoon if you feel too tired.

6. Keep active during the day
Keeping active during the day will help to settle your mind at the end of the day. Even if you feel too big to work-out, you could go for a steady walk, catch up with friends and family or do some simple house chores. Nothing too strenuous in your final stage of pregnancy but anything that keeps you occupied and active.

7. Massage may do the trick
Getting a good relaxing massage, half-an-hour before bedtime will help to settle you off for a perfect night's sleep. Ask your partner or a family member to massage your back, legs and especially your feet. Then cuddle up in your favourite pregnant sleep position and hay, presto! - lights out.

8. Still can't sleep?
Some nights, everything you try won't work. You just won't be able to sleep. If this happens, then do something to take your mind off it for a short while. Read a book or write in your pregnancy journal for half-an-hour and then, if you haven't already nodded off, try again.
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