How a woman feels about her body during her pregnancy, be it the first second or third, is different...but how she feels afterwards, however, is mostly the same. Women rarely feel sexy after pregnancy...well who could blame you?
You probably felt like you were waddling around for the last nine months 15kgs heavier than you were before the baby, for the last 6 months or so you’ve had someone kicking you from the inside, and if you opted for C-section, you probably have a big old scar on your belly right about now.
"Sexy" is the last word to describe how you feel right now. Fear not, girlfriend, we have got just the tips for you to feel sexy again!
1. Primp Yourself
Remember back in the day...before you had the baby, before you became a mum, before you met The One, before the beautiful white wedding...back when you were a single lady just doing your thing? Remember how you used to primp yourself, blow dry your hair and dolling up for no other reason but to look great?
Well, go back to that. Don’t feel bad about wanting to look good. Even if you are just planning to stay home all day long with your bundle of joy, you can still do your hair and your make up and feel like the queen you are.
2. Work It Off
Exercise! Yes, we know it is a drag. Yes, we know it hurts. Yes, sweat is yucky but nothing will make you feel better about your body faster than exercise. It will not only help you lose the baby weight, but also get those feel-good endorphins pumping and encouraging a surge of sexiness. For the last nine months you had been sharing your body with your baby, now it is all yours again. Treat it the best way you can – be fit!
3. Trash Your Maternity Clothes
After giving birth, you may be tempted to stay in your maternity clothes for the long haul – after all those things don’t come cheap. Even if your body post pregnancy is a larger clothing size, splurging on a new outfit will help you feel sexy and remind you that you don't always have to be in mummy mode.
Just because you’re a mummy now does not mean you can’t dress it up. Go out, shop and find an outfit that would release your inner fashionista and make the husband go gaga!
4. Get Help
Whether it's help with the housework, a babysitter or a mummy's helper, hiring and accepting help with the baby and household chores will reduce your stress and increase your libido.
The helping hands will give you a little more time to yourself, too, so light some candles and sink into a bubble bath and think "me" instead of "baby." You have your needs too so attend to them.
5. Think Sexy
Tap into some suggestive thinking and you may find yourself feeling like the hot mama you really are. Need a little inspiration? Turn on a romantic or sexy movie and you may soon find yourself feeling as sexy as you were before you pregnancy...or maybe even more.
You’ll be surprised at the powers a little imagination can possess!
6. Pamper Yourself
Simple things such as styling your hair in something other than a new-mother-ponytail will make you feel 100 times better after giving birth, so head to the salon for some primping and pampering. While you're there, treat yourself to a mani-pedi, too!
If that’s not your thing, why not a full-body massage at one of those fancy-schmancy spas you have always longed to go to but never did? You just gave birth. That ain’t no walk in the park. Treat yourself to something fabulous.
7. Have A Girl's Day
Having a baby should not make you a social pariah. Gather the girls and hang out just like old times. Got to a fancy restaurant, with or without the baby, and just catch up with the latest gossip. Even if you are a mum now, your life does not begin and end with the baby – we admit that it’s a big part of it though.
You are you own woman and who else to remind you of this incredible fact if not for your girls?
8. Take A Break
Invest in a breast pump and hand over baby feeding duties every once in a while. Whether it is daddy or grandma or a babysitter you can trust, feeling more like a woman and less like a milk machine can help you feel sexy once more.
And you know who else like your boobies more than your baby? That’s right, the husband. Why not let him get reacquainted with them? So go forth mummies, and set your inner sex goddesses free.