How Do You View Infidelity?


It is a common knowledge that men and women view infidelity differently. Men feel guilty about sexual infidelity while women are bothered by emotional infidelity.

It is common knowledge that men and women view infidelity differently. Men feel guilty about sexual infidelity while women are bothered by emotional infidelity.

Many experts say this this difference is primarily due to the unique roles that men and women play in the family – men need a partner for sex and to produce children, while women need a partner to help her care for children.

TODAY reports that Penn State psychologist Kenneth Levy believes that these differences go beyond gender roles and are more related to relationship attachments.

He explained that there are two types of attachments in relationships – dismissive and secure. Those who have dismissive attachments value their independence much more than their relationships, while those who have secure attachments really value their relationships and appreciate interdependence with their partners.

Levy and his team conducted a survey among four hundred individuals to prove their theory correct. After their study, they discovered that views on infidelity don’t depend on a person’s gender but on attachment styles.

What type of attachment style do you have? What for you is the worst type of cheating – sexual or emotional?

What would you do if your husband cheated on you? Tell us in the comment box below and take part in the poll.

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