Are you a helicopter parent? Find out what the MOE thinks about you!


You may be a proud kiasu parent, but do you know it might be hurting your child? Find out what Ministry of Education, Singapore thinks about helicopter parenting.

Helicopter parent sounds fancy. But trust me, it is not. It means that you may be an annoying parent who hovers over and around your child, micromanaging his/her success. And, according to the Ministry of Education, Singapore’s poster release, you may be hurting your child more than helping him. 

This is a series of posters that aims at educating the parents about what ‘not to do’ when it comes to parenting. Children of helicopter parents have faced difficult time facing the real world: be it at the job, relationships, or even at parenting. This is a serious matter, something that needs to be corrected right at the level of parenting. 

Ministry of Education’s posters

Through a series of posters released in a Facebook post, the MOE directs parents to see if their parenting style is actually hurting the children. Watch this slideshow to see if you are a helicopter parent.

(And if your impatience wants you to go to the next image, just click on the current one.)



The pitfalls of helicopter parenting

Mums and dads, I get it. Being kiasu works. If you are not one, how would your child do well in his life? The competition is fierce and you may think that there is no other option. However, this might be hurting your child in a way you cannot possibly imagine.

This is how helicopter parenting is hurting your child. (Click on current image to go to next)


What to do in such a case?

If you are a helicopter parent, it is not too late to change a bit. It would be difficult, but it is not impossible to do so. To start with, you need to realistically assess your child’s potential. Don’t push him/her too much lest he/she breaks. Not everybody is inclined towards the vocation that you feel is important. 

Instead, let them explore their own passions. It is only then that they will do great at their jobs instead of being mediocre at the one of your choosing.

Here are 4 ways in which you can help your child achieve his/her potential. (Click on current image to go to next).


Mums and dads, what do you think? Do let us know in the comments below.


Also read: How to raise children without over-parenting.

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