Gentle C-Section: Weighing the Pros and Cons

C-sections mummies - do you want immediate skin-to-skin contact, dim lights and soft music in the operating theatre? Then read up on this latest birthing trend!

If a normal or vaginal birth is not possible, most women would prefer a gentle c-section as opposed to a c-section delivery that is more invasive. If you’re considering it, too, here is what you need to know before deciding if a gentle c-section birth plan is the best for you and your baby.

What Is a Gentle C-Section?

A gentle C-section birth plan is designed to give you control over your birthing experience and make sure that it runs smoothly. It means you get to decide what happens during labour and delivery (or just at the end), including whether or not you’ll get an epidural if your partner is present in the operating room and what kind of music to play during the procedure.

What Happens During a Gentle C-Section?

A surgical team helps perform a gentle C-section. They will make incisions in your abdomen and uterus. The surgeon uses these incisions to deliver your baby through an opening in your abdominal wall.

A traditional C-section requires cutting through the abdominal wall, removing your baby from your womb through an incision, and then stitching up the incision. On the other hand, a gentle C-section will require only two small incisions. One is large enough for your baby’s head and smaller for their body. 

Once your baby is out, they’ll be placed on your chest until the medical staff evaluate them. The small incision will then be closed with stitches or staples before being bandaged.

baby out through gentle c-section

baby out through gentle c-section | Image from Pexels

Why Consider a Gentle C-Section Birth Plan?

A gentle c-section birth plan is a way to ensure that you have a safe and positive surgical procedure. You can choose to have this type of birth plan if you are due to have a c-section or if you are just hoping to prepare yourself for what will likely be an intense recovery period.

Suppose you are planning on having a normal vaginal delivery and finding out that your baby needs to be delivered via c-section. In that case, a gentle c-section birth plan can be very beneficial. This plan will allow you to remain calm and relaxed during the procedure, which will help reduce any potential complications.

A gentle c-section birth plan can also help patients with previous surgeries or complications with their uterus or cervix, such as fibroids or other growths inside those areas. This birth plan may benefit women who have had several children over time because it allows them more time to recover before trying again for another baby.

What Are the Benefits of a Gentle C-Section?

The benefits of a gentle C-section include:

  • Decreased risk of infection: Because of sterile techniques, there is less risk of infection with a gentle C-section than with other types of delivery.
  • Improved postpartum recovery: The smaller incision and less invasive nature of the surgery means that postpartum recovery is quicker and easier with this type of delivery.
  • Better control over the surgery: Since fewer cuts are made during a gentle C-section, it can be easier for doctors to ensure that they don’t cause any damage to vital organs or tissues by accident during the procedure.

Who Can Get a Gentle C-Section?

A gentle c-section is a surgical procedure performed on women who have had a previous c-section or have other conditions, such as obesity or high blood pressure. A gentle c-section aims to reduce the risk of trauma to the mother and baby while offering a safe delivery.

Doctors will typically recommend a gentle cesarean if you have any of the following conditions:

  • You’re over 40 years old
  • You’ve had a previous C-section
  • You have an active herpes infection in your genital area
  • You have endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Your baby is breech (feet first instead of head)

A woman who has had multiple c-sections may be eligible for a gentle cesarean section if:

  • she has delivered her last child vaginally
  • or if she has a uterus that remains firm after delivery
  • also if she has no scar tissue from prior surgeries on her abdomen or uterus
  • is not pregnant with twins or more than one baby at once

How to Prepare for a Gentle C-Section?

Preparing for a gentle c-section is important, but it can be hard to know what you need to do. Here’s a list of ideas to get you started:

  • Prepare your body. Even though you will have a cesarean delivery, it is still a good idea to try and stay active during your pregnancy. It will help keep your body in shape for labour and delivery. You should also eat healthy foods throughout your pregnancy so that your body has the nutrients needed to make sure everything goes well during delivery.
  • Make sure you have a good support system in place. Your partner, family members, and friends should all be aware of your plans and available to help if needed.
Preparing for gentle c-section

Nurse preparing pregnant woman for gentle c-section

  • Talk with your doctor about any concerns or questions about the procedure, including any risks associated with cesarean delivery versus vaginal birth.
  • Try to relax. It can be hard if you’re feeling anxious about the procedure, but it helps if you take some time beforehand to meditate or practice breathing exercises. If you have any other calming techniques that help you stay calm during high-stress situations, use them!
  • What’s bugging you about the surgery? Is it the idea of being cut open? Is it something else? Understanding why you’re nervous is important to work through those feelings instead of getting distracted.
  • Keep track of your questions throughout the process. Don’t forget anything important! It is essential if people assist during the surgery (such as anesthesiologists or nurses) because they might not remember everything from their end either.

Is Gentle C-Section Safe?

Gentle C-Section is a relatively new procedure with a design to ease the discomfort of cesarean surgery. While it is true that this procedure makes the process easier for women, it can also benefit the baby.

Cesarean surgeries are generally unsafe for babies because they often involve general anaesthesia and procedures involving cutting through muscle instead of soft tissue. A gentle C-section does not use general anaesthesia or muscle cutting. Instead, it uses local anaesthesia and other techniques to protect the baby from discomfort during the procedure.

A gentle C-section is also safer for mothers because it does not require any cuts or incisions in their abdomen, which means less blood loss and a lower risk of infection. These advantages make it a popular option when deciding between an emergency C-section and natural birth.


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What Are the Risks of a Gentle C-Section?

Gentle c-sections minimise the risk of complications and reduce recovery time. However, take note of some risks associated with gentle c-sections before deciding whether or not to undergo one.
The most common risks include:
  • Complications from general anaesthesia (such as nausea, vomiting, and dizziness)
  • Bleeding
  • Infection

How Is the Gentle C- Section Recovery? 

During a gentle C-section recovery, you’ll have time to rest. Be comfortable before moving from the operating room to your hospital room. You’ll also have access to your bed or recliner chair. This is so you can sit up comfortably for several hours during this period in your life.
A gentle C-section recovery means that you have minimal pain or discomfort during and after your C-section delivery. It is because you will receive medications. These will help with pain management after surgery.
It’s important to remember that every woman’s body responds differently to medications and anaesthesia. Hence, if you have concerns about how your body will react to any medication or anaesthesia prescribed, feel free to speak up!

Gentle C-Section vs Normal C-Section

A gentle C Section is a surgical procedure involving anaesthesia and sedation to reduce the pain and stress felt by the mother during childbirth. The doctor makes an incision in the lower part of the uterus, where there is no muscle, and then pulls out the baby by hand. 
A normal C-section is a surgical procedure involving an incision across the belly button. It’s to cut the uterus open and then pull the baby by hand. 
newborn baby

Image Source: iStock

Updated by Pheona Ilagan

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