Formula Amount By Baby's Age And Weight: How Much Is Enough

Stop overfeeding and learn how much formula your baby needs during the day.

Similar to adults and children, babies have different appetites. Some babies require only a small amount of milk while others tend to drink large volumes in a day. Some babies stop feeding when they are full while others still continue to suckle to the point of overfeeding. Because of these differences, it makes it really hard for parents to gauge how much formula their children are nutritionally required to consume.

If that sounds like you, and deciphering exactly how much formula your baby needs is confusing and complicated, here's some help. With our quick guide, you should be able to determine if your baby is getting enough or less of what is required. But of course, the best option is to first...

Visit your doctor

how much formula your baby needs Always check with your paediatrician if you are not sure.

The best thing to do when you are unsure on how much to feed your baby is to visit a paediatrician. By assessing your child’s age, weight and height, the doctor can guide you on how much formula your baby needs per month.

Formula amount by weight

A simple calculation can help you determine how much formula your baby needs. Multiply your baby’s weight by two and divide it into the number of feedings in a day.

how much formula your baby needs Find out how much formula your baby needs by determining his weight.

For example: your 10 pound baby would need about 20-25 ounces of milk in 24 hours. If your baby feeds 5 times in 24 hours, you will need to give about 4 to 5 ounces of formula every feeding.

Formula amount by age

Apart from the weight, you can also determine how much formula your baby needs by age. Newborn babies usually need about an ounce or two during each feeding. It may seem too little but since these babies feed every few hours, they will still get the required amount of milk that they need.

how much formula your baby needs Younger babies will often drink less quantity but more frequently.

Babies who are one to two months old usually require 3-4 ounces of milk per feeding while two to six month old babies generally need 4-6 ounces. 6 month old babies and older are usually satisfied after drinking 6-8 ounces of formula.

Overfeeding and underfeeding


how much formula your baby needs Nothing is set in stone when it comes to your baby!

While the above mentioned mathematical equations can give you an idea about how much formula your baby needs if you are in doubt, do remember they are not rules set in stone.  Sometimes, your baby may need more milk than usual especially during growth spurts. Do not deprive your baby of more formula if needed. If you feel that your baby still needs more after a feeding, prepare more formula but just an ounce or two. This will help you determine if your baby is satisfied without overfeeding.

One of the sure signs of overfeeding is vomiting and pain. So make sure that you properly determine how much formula your child needs to avoid this.

Hungry or not?

how much formula your baby needs Crying doesn't always mean your baby is hungry

Babies cry when they are hungry. But they also cry when they need attention, are in pain or uncomfortable. Before you give your baby a bottle especially just after a feeding, determine if there is another reason for the cry aside from hunger.

Are you aware of how much formula your baby needs? Tell us your experience in feedings by leaving a comment.

We hope this article was useful for you, parents, in deciphering how much formula your baby needs.

ALSO READ: 5 Things You Didn't Know About Milk For Your Child


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