When you eat certain foods, how they impact the health of your lady parts is probably the last thing on your mind. But the truth is, there are certain foods for vaginal health you can include in your diet, to help to ward off infections and even spice up your sex life.
So if you think it’s about time you nourished your vagina (she does deserve lots of TLC, right?), then here are 5 foods and drinks to munch and sip on.
(Your vagina will thank you for this, by the way).
1. Apples
The saying should really be changed to, “An apple a day keeps the sex doctor away”.
A study published in the Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics has found that eating a daily apple can improve women’s sex lives. This includes enhancing sexual satisfaction, ability to orgasm and ability to get aroused.
How is this possible via one humble apple?
You can thank several nutrients found in the fruit, such as polyphenols and antioxidants, which can stimulate blood flow to your sexual organs, and phloridzin, a phytoestrogen (a plant-based compound similar to the female sex hormone estradiol) that also boosts sex drive.
2. Yoghurt

A creamy tub of yoghurt is not just delicious, but it has many benefits for vaginal health.
Yoghurt is full of beneficial bacteria, or probiotics, which assist in boosting healthy vaginal microflora levels. This, in turn, may help ward off yeast infections, as well as UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections).
Also, the calcium contained in yoghurt could assist improve PMS symptoms.
3. Green tea
The health benefits of green tea never fail to amaze. In addition to boosting overall health, a study published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology shows that polyphenolic catechins found in this beverage may kill the E. coli bacteria that cause UTIs.
Also, the caffeine found in green tea can help ease PMS symptoms, says US-based OBGYN Alyssa Dweck.
4. Oily fish

So the impact of eating oily fish such as salmon and mackerel is not directly linked to good vaginal health. But here’s the thing – all that vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids you get when you eat it improves heart health.
And when your heart is healthy, blood circulation improves – and this is where your vagina gets healthy too because better overall circulation promotes better blood flow to your lady parts.
5. Water

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water through your day helps keep your vaginal area moist and well-lubricated, and this is a definite bonus for your arousal levels.
6. Soy-based foods
Soy milk formula for your growing child
When your oestrogen levels are low, a result is vagina dryness. But childbirth, breastfeeding and menopause can all cause your oestrogen levels to fall, leaving you dry and uncomfortable down there.
To counter this, eat minimally processed soy products like tempeh or edamame. These foods have plant compounds known as isoflavins, which mimic oestrogen and can help give you balance down there.
So there you have it, ladies. Now go drink a cup of green tea and munch on some edamame beans, knowing you’re keeping your lady parts very, very happy!
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