F1 Rocks! (or so the) Kids Say

The roar of the engine. The squeal of the tyres. And of course, the ever distinctive vrooooooooooom. We can't deny the thrill of having the only F1 Night Race in our country. But what do the little ones think?

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What kids say about F1

The roar of the engine. The squeal of the tyres. And of course, the ever distinctive vrooooooooooom. As adults we can’t deny the thrill of having the only F1 Night Race in our country. But what do the little ones think?

I like the Grand Prix because…
“It’s just with speed, and I like speed. I like to do drifts.”     – Abdullah, 8 years

I don’t like the Grand Prix because…
“Got jam, then my father cannot go to work then he grumble grumble.”    – Erica, 8 years
“There’s very many noisy sounds.”    – Haseena, 4 years

My favourite F1 racer is…
“Lewis Hamilton…because I only know him.”   – Guo Hui, 5 years

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Would you like to be a race car driver when you grow up?
“No, actually I prefer to be in the speed-stop place because you have to be quick and I’m quick, and I like tools.”  – Ker Xin, 8 years

I don’t want to be an F1 driver because…
“I can die easily. I can crash and *BOOM*!”    – Amanda, 5 years
“The uniform. You can get sweaty so fast. It looks funny like a girl’s swimsuit.”  – Mohammed, 9 years old

You got lucky! We have no ad to show to you!

If you were an F1 driver, what do you think you would like the most?
“You get a lot of money, and you get to go out with that Pussycat Doll.”    – Sheikh, 9 years

You got lucky! We have no ad to show to you!

Written by

Miss Vanda