Quick And Easy Linguine Carbonara With Bacon And Mushrooms


Whip up a delish plate of hearty linguine carbonara topped with bacon and mushrooms... Mmmm...



250g linguine (or any other pasta), cooked according to the instructions given by the manufacturer, and drained

200g streaky bacon, cut 8-10mm thick chunks

6 medium shitake mushrooms, stems removed and sliced

Olive oil

3 egg yolks

5 tablespoons heavy cream

1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated

Freshly ground pepper

Salt, to taste


  1. Cook the pasta in salted boiling water according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
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  2. In a skillet, add the bacon and a little water. Cook the bacon until crispy.
  3. Add the mushrooms and cook a further 2 minutes. Set this aside.
  4. In a bowl, whisk together egg yolks, cream, Parmesan, salt and black pepper.
  5. Transfer the pasta into the skillet then add the sauce.
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  6. Mix to coat the pasta. The heat from the skillet, bacon, mushrooms and pasta will cook the yolks.
  7. Add the remaining Parmesan and mix until combined. Add more black pepper if required.
  8. Serve immediately.

linguine carbonara


This is a really quick pasta dish, so make sure you have everything ready to prepare your linguine carbonara before you start cooking.

Republished with permission from thedomesticgoddesswannabe.com

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