Doctors said this baby’s inoperable brain tumour would kill her at birth, but now…


What would you do if your doctor’s said your child had a massive brain tumour?

Erika and Stephen Jones’ daughter, Abigail, was born on August 6, 2015 with Down Syndrome and a massive brain tumor.

Initially, doctors said that she might die in the womb and that, “the prognosis was very poor.”

According to the doctors, the mass in her brain was huge, aggressive and malignant, which meant it was only going to get bigger. She would be too small for chemotherapy and the cancer would only return if they operated.

How the parents found out

The Jones’ found out that their baby had Down Syndrome at their 26-week ultrasound. Initially, they were sad, but quickly accepted the situation and were ready and excited to meet their new baby.

But at Erika’s 30-week ultrasound, doctors found the large tumor inside her brain.

Erika and Stephen were devastated, according to ABC News. The doctors even said that she would likely die in the womb.

What did the Jones’ do?

They prayed and sought comfort with God.

They also decided that they would give their best shot at providing a happy life for Abigail for as much time as they had with her.

Even when Abigail was born, they expected the worst. But according to Erika and Stephen, an outsider would not be able to tell that there was something terribly wrong with Abigail’s brain. She was quiet and calm but required a feeding tube.


Miracle baby

To everyone’s surprise, Abigail got better. She started behaving just like any baby and was even let off her feeding tube.

At some point, she even started gaining weight. Hopeful, Erika and Stephen took her to Neurosurgeon-in-chief Dr. Alan R. Cohen in the Boston Children’s Hospital for a second opinion.

Not even cancerous

Erika and Stephen were shocked and ecstatic over Dr. Cohen’s findings.

A new brain scan and the new doctor’s opinion revealed that the tumor could actually be removed and wasn’t even cancerous!

The doctors successfully extracted all of the brain mass. Dr. Cohen said the growth in her brain would probably not return.

The family praised God and were extremely overjoyed with their miracle baby.

Erika posted on her Facebook page, “Praising Him this morning! So consumed with joy. Can’t hardly breathe looking at this beautiful girl. My girl. I get to keep you!! I can’t wait to see your story unfold. To tell you how you are a living testimony of healing. Amazing. Overwhelmed!”

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