Takeaways For Parents From the Creator of Bluey


Joe Brumm, creator of Bluey, shares why he’s stepping away to stay true to himself. A heartfelt lesson in emotional intelligence every parent needs to hear!

Joe Brumm’s decision to step away is a masterclass in emotional intelligence.

Parents, let’s talk about the show that has captured the hearts of families worldwide: Bluey. This delightful animated series about a family of Australian heeler dogs—Bluey, Bingo, Mum, and Dad—has become more than just entertainment. It’s a masterclass in life lessons, teaching resilience, decision-making, and the importance of relationships.

Now, big changes are on the horizon. Joe Brumm, the creator of Bluey, recently announced in an open letter that he’s stepping away from the series to focus on writing a Bluey feature film. For fans, it’s bittersweet. But in his letter, Brumm gave us all—especially parents—a brilliant lesson in emotional intelligence and staying true to ourselves.

Takeaways For Parents From the Creator of Bluey

Photo credit: Disney Plus

Stepping Away to Stay Authentic

In his letter, Brumm shared the difficult decision to take a break from the series after season three. Why? Because he felt he couldn’t continue creating at the high standard he demands of himself.

“I always said I wouldn’t keep making the show if I thought I couldn’t make any new season as good as the last,” Brumm wrote.

This decision shows remarkable self-awareness. Brumm recognized that the spark he needed to authentically write for Bluey was fading. Instead of forcing himself to keep going, he chose to honour the quality and heart that made the show so beloved.

For parents, this is a powerful reminder: we can’t pour from an empty cup. When we feel stretched thin or uninspired, it’s okay to step back and reevaluate.

Takeaways For Parents From the Creator of Bluey

Photo credit: Disney Plus

What to Do When Your Tank Runs Dry

As parents, we often feel the weight of responsibility to keep going, no matter what. But Brumm’s decision teaches us the importance of taking a break when our emotional, mental, or creative “tank” runs dry.

Here’s how we can apply this lesson in our own lives:

  1. Acknowledge Your Limits. Like Brumm, recognize when you’re running on fumes. It’s not a sign of failure—it’s a sign of self-awareness.
  2. Take a Step Back. A break, whether from work, routines, or even certain parenting demands, can give you the clarity and energy to move forward.
  3. Reignite Your Passion. Try something new or revisit an old interest. Just as Brumm found inspiration by writing a film script, you might find joy in a new hobby or project.

Teaching Our Children Emotional Intelligence

Bluey has always been about teaching life’s important lessons, and Brumm’s decision to step away reinforces one of the most important: authenticity matters.

By showing our kids that it’s okay to pause, reflect, and prioritise what truly matters, we’re equipping them with emotional intelligence. Life isn’t about pushing forward at all costs; it’s about staying true to ourselves and finding joy in what we do.

Takeaways For Parents From the Creator of Bluey

Photo credit: Disney Plus

The Role of Inclusivity and Connection

As we wait for the Bluey film, let’s take a moment to appreciate what made the series so special: its lessons on connection, inclusivity, and emotional intelligence. Just as Brumm chose to prioritize what felt right for him, we can learn to honour our own paths—and encourage our kids to do the same.

To Joe Brumm: thank you for giving us Bluey. And thank you for reminding us all that sometimes, stepping back is the bravest step forward.

Top 10 Bluey Episodes Every Parent Should Watch with Their Kids

How Bluey Promotes Positive Parenting: 7 Parenting Tips from the Show

7 Reasons Why Parents Should Watch Bluey

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