Creative Cheese Sandwiches!


Tired of the same old bread slices? Here are some creative and fun cheese sandwiches that you and your kids will love to prepare and eat together!

If you are looking for ways to spruce up your breakfast, you’ve come to the right place. Yummy, healthy and versatile, cheese slices are great for fun meals as well as a nutritional snack for your growing child. Delicious cheese slices are also a kid’s favourite and extremely easy to incorporate into your everyday bites.

Try out these recipes for an ooey-gooey cheesy snack that is packed with rich goodness!

cheese sandwich recipes

Cheese sandwich recipes: The sunshine grilled cheese sandwich is sure to be a hit with cheese-loving kids!

Sunshine cheese sandwich

2 slices of bread
2 tbsp butter
2 eggs
2 SCS cheese slices
1 slice of ham, shredded
Salt to taste

1. Cut a hole out of the center of each slice of bread
2. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a pan over medium heat and cook the bread until lightly browned on the bottom side
3. Add another half teaspoon of butter to the center hole of the bread then break an egg into it
4. Season with salt and cook until eggs can easily be lifted from underneath
5. Flip each slice of bread over and place a slice of SCS cheese over each one
6. Add the ham shred once the sides are golden brown
7. Cook until they are crisply browned and the cheese is fully melted
8. Serve hot and enjoy!

Cheesy pear sandwich -- Creative and fun cheese sandwiches for kids

You’ll be surprised how well pear and cheese go together! Try the yummy cheesy pear sandwich

Cheesy pear sandwich

2 slices wholegrain bread
2 SCS cheese slices
2 pears, sliced
Chopped spinach
1 cup of sliced almond
1 tbsp butter

1. Stack the pear slices, spinach, almonds and SCS cheese slice on top of the bread
2. Drizzle some mustard on top of the sandwich
3. Heat a pan with butter and fry until the bread is golden brown
4. Serve hot and enjoy!

Learn more about cheese and your children and find out why it’s great for the little ones! For more fun recipes made with cheese slices, see here too.

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