Cool science for cool kids!


The Singapore Science Festival is back. This time round, it's bigger and better with the Singapore Zoo and Underwater World participating in the festivities. Today we saw the launch of the week-long carnival where you and the kids can enjoy hours of awesome science fun!

From today till 28 July, explore and learn more about the wonderful world of science at the Singapore Science Festival 2011 carnival.  Held at Suntec City Convention Hall 401, the mass carnival was launched today by Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for trade, industry and national development.  The minister believes that ‘a long-lasting passion in science can be ignited in small way’ and he quoted an example of an A*STAR scholar whose interest in science began when she was young.  The scholar, Teo Pei Li’s passion for science began with an interest in mouldy bread and she is now a scientist at the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences.  Mr Lee also encourages all Singaporeans to take an active role in topical discussions on his facebook with the most recent topic being, ‘Energy Conserving Ideas’.  He ended his speech today with a call out to everyone to ‘make learning of science and technology fun, as it is today!’

This year’s Singapore Science Festival revolves around the concept of ‘Why Not?’  Visitors are encouraged to reminisce back to their childhood.  Think of the things that sparked their curiosities and the need to ask ‘Why Not?’  Children are also urged to ask these questions as they explore the very engaging exhibitions at the carnival.

The week-long carnival consist X-periment, Kids Science Fest, Gene Fest, Jim Lenz Science Show, The Droids Roving Show and a series of other fringe exhibits as well as workshops and seminars.

X-periment is only going on this weekend and families get to revel in awe-inspiring science demonstration with several exciting hands-on experiments to try out.

Kids Science Fest extends from now till 28th July.  Highly recommended for children ages 4 -16, highlights here include making DIY gift wrapping paper, constructing mini light catchers and exploring the world of photography.   With 9 activities lined-up at this section of the carnival, the kids are bound to find a science experient that will interest them.

Another great section of the carnival that you might like to check out with the kids would be Gene Fest.  Also running till July 28, Gene Fest offers the children (and you!) an activity booklet that they can fill in as they go around the booths here.  Although, more suitable for the primary-school going children, the younger ones can also enjoy some of the activites here including the Fmood Science Show which show the link between food and neurotransmitters.  The show is exciting and fun to watch and learn from.

And if you have time for only one show, don’t forget to catch the Jim Lenz Science Show.  Jim Lenz is a science entertainer and magician from USA.  The kids will be blown away by his mind-boggling experiments and hilarious antics.

While carnival will end on July 27, a series of satellite events will continue till August 13 as part of the whole festival.  This year the Singapore Science Festival is proud to have the Singapore Zoo and Underwater World on board with the festivities.

The afternoon carnival launch came to an exciting close with an engaging performance by Dr Quiton Quark of Slapstick Science.  The quirky professor from USA made the audience roll over in fits of laughter as he easily explains the concept of inertia.  8-year-old Owen Pang who loves science and was engrossed with the show, said: ‘It’s very interesting and fun!’Young Owen was there with his mother, Daphne Pang 44, and his two brothers.  Mum, Daphne found the inertia show fantastic and said ‘it’s amazing how he can explain the concept of inertia in 10 minutes and its very engaging.  Even Owen’s younger brother who’s 6 understands it!

She has nothing but praise for the whole festival and said, ‘I feel it’s a better way of learning science other than just from textbooks.  I would definitely recommend other parents to bring their kids and explore science together.’

For a full list of event details, please visit

Photos courtesy of: Seri R.S and Singapore Science Center.


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