Family rocks their Christmas Jammies!


Bored of tired, boring Christmas cards? Get the family together and try out this fun alternative. Nothing spells fun like Christmas Jammies

This family got into the Christmas spirit by making the funniest Christmas video we’ve ever seen! Yes, in their Christmas jammies.

In my christmas jammies

The Holderness family made a funny family video for Christmas instead of the usual Christmas card or letter.

The Holderness family wishes you a Merry Christmas in some very exciting pyjamas (jammies). Their hilarious video Christmas card gives family and friends a rundown on what 2013 has been like for each of the four members in the family.

With everything from a role in Ironman to getting a vasectomy there was nothing too private to share with the world. Their Christmas jammies jingle has gone viral, and with good reason too. Dad gets to show off his smooth vocals while mum and the kids break out some insane dance moves!

in my christmas jammies

This family is making parenting fun and playful!


This is what stepping out of your comfort zone looks like! Get out there and have some fun – even better get the whole family out there and have some fun. Bonding while having an insanely good time is a great way to round off the year.

You’ll be surprised to see how much just being silly with the people you care about can do for your relationship.

Head over to the next page to see the Holderness’ epic Christmas Jammies video! 

In his book “Playful Parenting”, Lawrence Cohen says,

“Play can be the long-sought bridge back to that deep emotional bond between parent and child. Play, with all its exuberance and delighted togetherness, can ease the stress of parenting. Playful Parenting is a way to enter a child’s world, on the child’s terms, in order to foster closeness, confidence, and connection.”

In my Christmas jammies

The Holderness family showing their fabulous moves!

This ability to be yourself around your kids, especially from a young age, bridges the gap between parent and child. Your children won’t respect you less. They will instead feel that they are more able to connect with you as a person and not just as a parent. In turn leaving them feeling more comfortable with you.

Not to mention, that everyone needs to blow off a little steam once in awhile. So why not do it together as a family?

And here is the video you have all been waiting for! “In my Christmas jammies” by the Holderness family.

UPADTE: Check out the Holderness’ Christmas Jammies video 2014!

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