Why babies calm down when being carried

1. Hairdryer
Slightly bizarre, but according to the blogger ahealthyscliceoflife, most white noise can help calm down a baby. Just try switching on your hairdryer and watch your child calm down slowly.

2. Movement
Sometimes all you need to do is move your baby around. Hold your baby, or let your child sit on your chest, just play with her until your baby has calmed down. Babies like to interact with people, so confining them to their cradle may not always be the answer.

3. Swinging
Calming down a baby by swinging them back and forth could be the answer. Just keep swinging your baby until they are happy. You may even witness a smile on their face. Swinging is a movement all babies enjoy throughly.

4. Go outside
If you\'re having one of those days, where you have literally tried everything in the books, a simple change of location may just make the different in calming your baby down. Take a walk, or run an errand, getting your baby out of the house and around fresh air is the key here.

5. Wrap up!
Wrap up your baby in a blanket. This gives a very cozy and comfortable feeling to the baby. Don\'t make it too tight, but make it tight enough for your baby to forget whatever it was that was bothering him or her earlier!