Breastfeeding good for mum's heart


New study finds that postmenopausal women, who had breastfed for at least 1 month had lower blood pressure, better cholesterol and less frequent diabetes.

breastfeeding benefits

Breastfeeding benefits: It’s good for mum’s heart!

We all know that breastfeeding is important for babies’ health, but an amazing new research has now proved that it is vital for mothers’ health as well!

A recent study carried out under the US federal government’s Women’s Health Initiative study on chronic disease, found that of 139,681 postmenopausal women, those who had breastfed for at least one month had lower blood pressure, better cholesterol and less frequent diabetes, all known factors for cardiovascular risk.

Breastfeeding benefits: It’s great for the heart!

On average, 35 years had passed since the women had last breastfed, suggesting that the benefits of breastfeeding last many years.

The study which will appear in the May issue of “Obstetrics and Gynecology, also found that the longer mothers breastfed, the more apparent the cardiovascular benefit, the study also found.

Women who breastfed for more than a full year had their cardiovascular risk reduced by 10 percent.

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